Vedanta, Hinduism & Indian Philosophy

My blogic attempt to unfold the secret of Indian philosophies especially Vedanta and bringing it's spiritual teachings to common men. I'll be pleased to answer any question that you think I am worthy of. Please write to pratikp {at} gmail {dot} com.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Which Pranayama for Your Disease

Previsouly Pranayama was seen as a mean for spiritual practice with little or no connection with physical health. Recently Ramdev Maharaj did a great job by telling common people about its medical benefits in curing deadly diseases and maintaining good health. There are different pranayama practice e.g. kapalbhati, bhastrika, anulom-vilom for different problems. Here I found a good article tha tells about what all pranayamas needs to be done and how many sets for the same for particular diseases/disorder -

Pranayama for Different Diseases

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