Air India Strike : When they will call off

Author: VGR Pawan | Last Updated: Tue 3 May 2011 2:12:27 PM

By VGR Pawan

Air India pilots declared a strike 4 days ago regarding their salaries. As per the news caste we find that the problem is intense and passengers are facing a lot of inconvenience. Pilots are joining the strike day by day and the situation is gaining heat. At this juncture I got an idea to find the date when they will call off the strike. Of course only through horary Astrology we can find the result.

Ascendant denotes the pilots; the 6th house shows their service and 10th house indicates their profession logically the 11th denote desire fulfillment. Here one more point, the 7th becomes Govt. There will be some negotiations and ultimately the Govt. will say Yes or NO for the demands. Therefore the 3rd and 9th houses indicate negotiations especially the 9th denoted the announcement from the Govt. only after that the strike can be waived.

Hence if the 9th sub lord is well connected with 2-6-11 houses than there will be an increment in the salaries of the pilots. In these dimensions we have to judge the horary map.
6-10 sub lord Jupiter in 9 in the star of Mercury and sub of Saturn. Mercury is lord of 3-12 in 9, Saturn in the star of Moon. The connection of Saturn shows slow progress or lack of initiative. But Jupiter stars are unoccupied and lord of 6. Hence there will be some good news at the end.

6th owned by Jupiter and no planets in 6th house but Rahu is in 6th sign. NO planets in the stars of either. Therefore Rahu-Jupiter shares the result.

10th owned by Mars only Kethu in its star. 11th occupied by Kethu only Rahu is in its star.

Therefore Rahu-Jupiter-Kethu-Mars are the strong planets who will cause the rejoining of the duties by pilots.

Lastly the 9th sub lord is Kethu, she is in 11th house in the star of Mars in 9 lord of the 10. Therefore the govt. may accept some of the demands. (not entirely)

As the event will happen in some days we have to consider the transit of Sun / Moon.

The immediate possible opportunity is when Moon transit in the star of Kethu i.e. on May-02.

Next possibility is when Moon transit in the star of Rahu i.e. on May-07.

In these two days Sun will transit in Mars sub ad Saturn sub respectively. The former is strong than the latter.

Hence it can be said that the strike of Air India pilots can be called off either on May-02 or May-07.
To consult astrologer VGR Pawan, please click here - Horoscope Reading by VGR Pawan.
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