Announcing Astrology YouTube Video Channel

Author: -- | Last Updated: Wed 20 Jun 2012 4:07:18 PM

Authentic Astrology knowledge was never so easy to get. With our YouTube Astrology Channel, watch videos created by worldclass knowledgeable astroslogers at / Know “real astrology” and not the fake astrology shown by TRP hungry TV channels., sister concern of, is the frontrunner when it comes to fighting myths & misconceptions and spreading quality astrology knowledge. We have world-class free softwares, free telephonic consultation service and lots of free tools to help general public as well as astrologers. In that kitty, today we are adding a new service- Video Channel on YouTube where you will get free astrology videos that are all about “Authentic Astrology”. Our YouTube channel can be accessed at

We worked with some TV channels earlier, but we found that TV channels do have their own limitations. For TV channel, TRP is most important and hence you can say only what can attract TRP. That was a huge limitation for us, so we decided to launch our own YouTube channel and would say it’s greatest strength is its authenticity , our vision and mission to help everyone, through astrological guidance and takes on myths and misconceptions - without any pressure of TRP. Our YouTube channel at is an effort in this direction.

Have a look at the videos on our channel and let us know your feedback. Moreover , please do not forget to favorite the video you like or share it with your friends on Facebook because ultimately it’s all about information sharing . Here is the first video on our channel -

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