Doomsday 2012 - The Countdown Begins

Author: Hanumaan Mishra | Last Updated: Mon 3 Dec 2012 6:23:59 PM

By Pt. Hanumaan Mishra

Doomsday - 21 December 2012 is Close!

Yes, the day is not far which is considered as doomsday by so called intellectuals. Additionally, the believers of Mayan Calendar have alleged that this calendar is predicting doomsday on 21st of December 2012. Few news channels have named it “Mahapralaya”, which literally means giant destruction. “Mahapralaya” is a Sanskrit word, which is the conjunction of two words – Maha+Pralaya. Maha means big or giant, and Pralaya means destruction.

The word “Pralaya” is itself enough then there is no need to call it “Mahapralaya”. As we now know Pralaya is a Sanskrit word, and is also a conjunction of two words – Pra + Laya. Pra is the suffix to the word Laya. The word Pralaya means, the destruction of Earth, submergence of Earth in water or restoration of Earth to new. As per Hindu philosophy and spiritual reflections, Pralaya or Doomsday comes when four Yugas end. Therefore, after each lap of four Yugas Pralaya occurs.

As per Hindu beliefs, Lord Brahma sleeps during this time. And, when he wakes up, he creates the universe once again and the period of Yugas begins. Kalyuga is the last Yuga. Therefore, Pralaya or Doomsday has to come after this. But, Bhavishyokta Puran explains that Kalyuga is of 4, 32,000 years and till date even 6000 years are not completed. In such situation, Pralaya is not agreeable now from the Hindu religion point of view. However, the way this topic has been into discussion since years, we cannot deny it completely. Fire has to be there if there is smoke. However, it is important to know the quantity of fire.

As per a western scientist, season of death comes after a leap of 11 years. He explained that solar movements on Sun speed up every 11th year due to which the outer environment gets affected with internal blasts. Blasts on Sun are just so big that its effects can be seen easily on Earth too. In 1859 too, such solar storms affected Earth. At that time, America and Europe suffered from the fires at many places. Wires of telegraph got burned. 11 years ago, in 2001 also, many people died. Season of death will come in 2012 too. Even if we believe in what this western scientist say, there are no such signs from India.

Is Pralaya Actually Coming In 2012?

It is obvious for this question to trouble our minds. Let us now know what astrology says on this.

Mahapralaya or Doomsday is said to be occurring on 21st December 2012. First of all, let’s know the result of the year or Samwatsar. This time, Samwatsar named Vishvasu is going on. And, its results are said to be adverse. For example, lot of diseases or infections might spread on Earth and humans become incapable of doing their work during this time. On 21st December 2012, the Hindi month will be Margshirsha. This month is named on the Margshirsha constellation. Mars is the Lord of this constellation. Mars plays the main role in destruction or casualties. On 21st December 2012, there will be the ninth day of Margshirsha month’s Shukla Paksha. Lord of this day is considered to be Goddess Durga, who is considered as the destroyer of evils but savior of good ones.

Transits On Doomsday

On 21st December 2012, sun is rising at 7:14am. At that time, Sagittarius ascendant is going to rise. Lord of Ascendant, Jupiter is in sixth house with Ketu, Sun on ascendant, Mars in second, Moon in fourth, Saturn in eleventh and Mercury, Venus, Rahu are situated in twelfth house. Moon is in Saturn constellation and Saturn is in Moon’s eighth through the constellation of Rahu. Therefore, this day will pervade fear in people. So, it can be said that the rumours about doomsday will scare people. During this time, Jupiter and Venus will stay seventh from each other, which will cause a decrement in the level of politics. Elections during this time will benefit the leading party, but will affect a powerful minister adversely.

There are 5 Saturdays, 5 Sundays and 5 Mondays in December 2012. Saturday is the day of planet Saturn, whereas Sunday is the day of Sun and Monday is considered as the day of Moon. This way, Sun and Moon will be affected by Saturn. Saturn and Sun are aggressive by nature. Impact of Saturn over Sun is not considered good for Earth, whereas this impact might speed up the political ups and downs. On the other hand, loss is possible from the side of oceanic or water mediums because of afflicted Moon. Due to their mutual effect, troubles to the public and inflation will increase. A bad conjunction of five planets is also forming this month. This five planet conjunction will form in the evening of 11th December and stay till 13th December’s dusk. After this, a four planet conjunction will begin which will stay till the night of 15th December. Consequently, cold will increase and crops might get affected adversely to some extent. However, Jupiter will have eye on these conjunctions, which is indicating that the time is bad for people who are felonious, tyrants, devilish and terrorists. On the other hand, time is good for those who are spiritual, intellectual, artist and Guru. But, Saturn and Rahu are coming in conjunction on 23rd December, which is indicating toward violence.

Doomsday From Numerology

Alleged Doom’s Day, 21-12-12 can be written as 3-3-3 from the eye of Numerology. Here, 3 digits of Jupiter are combining to form 9, which is indicating rage in intellectual people. But, it is not indicating any adverse situation anyhow. If we consider from 21-12-2012 then 3-3-5 makes 11, which is 2. It is also not indicating any adverse condition.

Overall, the result is that there are some adverse situations around 21st December 2012, but Pralaya or Mahapralaya or Doomsday is not going to occur.

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