France Presidential Elections 2012 : Will Sarkozy survive?

Author: VGR Pavan | Last Updated: Fri 30 Jul 2010 3:58:52 PM

VGR Pavan

There is an interesting political scenario prevailing in France. The upcoming presidential elections to be held during April-June 2012 are very significant one for current president Nicolas Sarkozy, as he is seriously trying to have a second term. His close rivals the “Socialists” are also very confident about their come back. As per the news sources Sarkozy has pressure from his own party on various “issues”. In this context it is very interesting to see how far he can “influence” these oppositions and make his position firm in the next elections. As an admirer of “KP” I wish to forecast the result for “Will Sarkozy win the Presidential elections 2012 or not?”

Horary number: “156” as per KP horary astrology was selected randomly for the above query: and judged on 29-07-2010 @ 21:57 hrs.

In Krishnamurthy Paddhathi (KP) horary astrology in the issue of competition or elections etc. the primary importance will be given to the 6th cusp…as it indicates the “loss to the opponent” which directly means gain to the querent.  Other supporting houses are 1, 10, 11as they are these houses indicate self effort, fame and fulfillment of desire respectively.

KP stresses the stellar significations of the planet and more importantly the stellar significations of the sub division lord of the cusp. As cusp stamps whether the result is going to happen in favor to the querent or not. And the significators unfold he same in their conjoined periods and sub periods. Notable point is that KP teaches that each and every event will happen as a combination of a group of houses. And for the success in competition, the requisite group of houses is 1, 6, 10, and 11. Rule to verify whether success is promised or not is as follows:

“If the sub lord of the 6th cusp is deposited in the star of a planet who “signifies” 1, 6, 10, 11 houses (either individually or as a group as per my understanding) “.

If the above situation also occurs to the sub division lord of the sub lord of the cusp then success will be up to the satisfaction. The 7th house from each and every house mentioned above will be favorable to the opponent, means loss to the querent. 7, 12, 4, 5 are the 7th house from the said list respectively. Therefore the sublord of the 6th cusp if connected to 4, 5,7,10 houses, only loss to be predicted.

Here the sub lord for the 6th cusp is Moon the night queen. She is in the star of Jupiter and sub of Saturn. Jupiter is lord of 2,5 in 4 and Saturn is lord of 3,4 in 10 in the star of Sun the 10th lord in 9. Therefore unlucky houses like 4,5 houses are more pronounced than lucky house like 10,11. Further there was no planet in any of the stars of Moon in the map. Thus she will strongly signify the house in which she is posited and owned, she is in 4 and owns 9. The strength of the sub lord of the 6th cusp is not favorable for the existing president of France.

If we scan the sub division of 11th houses it we can be more sure about the above conclusion. Here it is Mercury the 8th and the 11th lord , he is in 9th house in the star of Kethu the lunar node and the sub of retrograde Jupiter. Kethu the shadow dragon is in the 8th cusp (cheating or betrayal) strongly aspected by Saturn (Vedic aspect) from 10th house. It is said that Saturn near the meridian shows sudden fall. Therefore Mercury (winged messenger) shows that differences from the own office, media and improper estimations may be the reasons for failure of the President’s strategies.

It is worth to note that the directional lords at the time of election and declaration of results are Jupiter-Saturn-Jupiter as per the Vimshothari dasa system. Jupiter is in the sub of 12th lord Venus (she is also strong significator of 9th house) and Saturn who is in the sub of Mercury who strongly signifies 8th house are the confirmation for the above observation. Jupiter the strong dasa sequence ruler afflicted at sub level by Venus who is also the lord for 7th house glitters an indication that a “woman” may be a  strong  reason for his defeat.

Thus after a thorough application of the principles of KP it can be said that the present ruler of France may have a tough time in the coming presidential elections (2012) and his chances for decorating the throne for the second time are very remote..

Readers should note that the above interpretation is purely of an academic interest without any prejudice on my part. With best wishes for President and all other contestants.

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