Hindu Jatras 2012 date

Author: - | Last Updated: Fri 2 Sep 2011 9:50:00 AM

As the Jatras form an important part in most of the Hindu festivals, and as they are one of the most important agencies for teaching the people about Hinduism, a few words descriptive of them will not be inappropriate.
These Jatras come nearer to the old miracle plays of Europe than to anything else with which we are familiar. In front of the platform on which the image is placed is a space railed off for the performers. As the front rows of people sits down, those standing behind can obtain a grand view of the performance. The actors are men and boys, who are in great request at these seasons. There is generally a band of music, which plays between the scenes of the Jatra. The performance takes place immediately in front of the idol, although it can hardly be regarded as part of the worship, as it commences after the worship proper is over; yet it is supposed to be as much for the delight of the god as for the amusement of the people who gather to witness it. These plays which begin about eleven o'clock at night, and are continued until six or even seven o'clock the following morning, give representations of the important parts of the lives of the gods and goddesses of the Pantheon, the amours and amusements of Krishna, the quarrels of Shiva and Parvati, the life of Rama arid Sita being the most common. The actors are dressed and painted in imitation of the deities they represent, and frequently their conversations are rendered attractive by sonsttal and obscene allusions; whilst in the interludes boys, dressed in women's clothes, dance with most indecent gestures. The worst dances that I have ever seen have been in front of an image, and as part of the rejoicings of a religious festival. Crowds of men, women, and children sit to watch them the whole night through, and certainly their theatrical representations of the acts and words of the deities form a most successful method of teaching the people the most memorable events of their lives. The words and dress of the actors being all according to the teaching of the Shastras, there can be no doubt that they exert an immense influence over the people. Lessons taught in this manner are not easily forgotten.
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