Interesting facts about the planets

Author: Bharat Kumar | Last Updated: Sat 5 Jun 2010 4:24:11 PM

Bharat Kumar
  • Venus is the brightest planet in our sky and can sometimes be seen with the naked eye.
  • Earth has more exposed water than land.  Three quarters of the Earth is covered by water!
  • Mars is the home of "Olympus Mons", the largest volcano found in the solar system. 
  • Jupiter is so big that you could fit all the other planets in the solar system inside it. 
  • Jupiter's really really big and yet, Jupiter is the fastest rotating planet.
    Saturn is the second biggest planet, but it’s also the lightest planet. It would float if put in water!
  • Venus is actually the hottest planet in the Solar System (though Mercury is nearest to Sun).
  • Uranus is the coldest place in the Solar System (though Pluto is furtherest to Sun)
  • Sun makes up 99.86% of the Solar System's mass! That means that all the planets + asteroids put together only make up about 0.14% of the Solar System's mass
  • Just a pinhead of the Sun's raw material could kill someone up to 160 kilometres away!
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