IPL 5 Match Prediction : Deccan Chargers vs Pune Warriors India

Author: VGR Pavan | Last Updated: Thu 11 Apr 2024 4:34:37 PM

By VGR Pavan

May 1st DC vs PWI.

Horary number in favor of DC was taken as 196 and map of the heavens is as follows:

For this Horoscope DC will be in Ascendant whereas PW in 7th house.

Here 6th sub lord is Mercury; he is lord of the 6th house in 3rd house but deposited in own star sub of Mars. Mars is in 7th house in the star of Kethu in 4th house. Therefore Mercury is signifying 4-5 houses at sub level.

This Mercury is also sub lord for 5-11 houses hence both these houses are unfavorably posited towards DC.

To confirm prediction I verified the Asc. sub lord which is Mars here. Mars is in the sub of Saturn connected with 7-11 houses. Further 7th sub lord is Moon, she is also in the sub of Saturn. Therefore Asc and cusps are connected with 7th house at sub level.

Further star lord during the match is Kethu and the sub lord is Mercury till 05.08 PM and later the star and sub lord will be Venus till the end of the match. But Venus is in the sub of Jupiter lord of the 12th house in 4th house in the star of Venus. Hence she is strongly connected with 4-5-12 houses.

Hence stars may favor PWI.

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