Moon Phases 2022: Full Moon 2022 & New Moon 2022 Dates

Author: Vijay Pathak | Last Updated: Tue 14 Dec 2021 3:45:52 PM

Moon Phases 2022 Calendar: Read this AstroCAMP special article to get a gist of the lunar calendar with regards to the year 2022. Readers will also get notified about the various Moon phases in 2022, and additional information can be procured about Full Moon 2022 Dates and New Moon 2022 dates. With this, you will get to know how significant they are and how they can impact human lives.

Now, the significance of the planet Moon or the Chandrama is surely known to many of us, but for the convenience of the readers, a special segment has been included in this article, where we will not only share the significance of this Lunar Calendar 2022, but also reveal a lot about the Moon and its different phases.

So, without any further digressions, let us start talking about the Moon Phases 2022 Calendar and various other aspects related to it.

Moon Phases 2022 Calendar: Full Moon 2022 & New Moon 2022 Dates

New Moon First Quarter Full Moon Third Quarter
Jan 3, Mon 12:05 AM Jan 9, Sun 11:43 PM Jan 18, Tue 05:21 AM Jan 25, Tue 07:12 PM
Feb. 1, Tue 11:19 AM Feb. 8, Tue 07:21 PM Feb. 16, Wed 10:29 PM Feb. 24, Thu 04:04 AM
Mar. 2, Wed 11:08 PM Mar. 10, Thu 04:16 PM Mar. 18, Fri 12:50 PM Mar. 25, Fri 11:09 AM
Apr. 1, Fri 11:57 AM Apr. 9, Sat 12:18 PM Apr. 17, Sun 12:27 AM Apr. 23, Sat 05:28 PM
May 1, Sun 02:00 AM May 9, Mon 05:52 AM May 16, Mon 09:45 AM May 23, Mon 12:14 AM
May 30, Mon 05:02 PM June 7, Tue 08:19 PM June 14, Tue 05:22 PM June 21, Tue 08:41 AM
June 29, Wed 08:23 AM July 7, Thu 07:44 AM July 14, Thu 12:08 AM July 20, Wed 07:49 PM
July 28, Thu 11:25 PM Aug. 5, Fri 04:37 PM Aug. 12, Fri 07:06 AM Aug. 19, Fri 10:06 AM
Aug. 27, Sat 01:46 PM Sept. 3, Sat 11:38 PM Sept. 10, Sat 03:28 PM Sept. 18, Sun 03:22 AM
Sept. 26, Mon 03:24 AM Oct. 3, Mon 05:45 AM Oct. 10, Mon 02:24 AM Oct. 17, Mon 10:46 PM
Oct. 25, Tue 04:18 PM Nov. 1, Tue 12:08 PM Nov. 8, Tue 04:32 PM Nov. 16, Wed 06:59 PM
Nov. 24, Thu 04:27 AM Nov. 30, Wed 08:08 PM Dec. 8, Thu 09:39 AM Dec. 16, Fri 02:29 PM
Dec. 23, Fri 03:47 PM Dec. 30, Fri 06:52 AM

So, above given is the Moon Phases 2022 Calendar based on IST, which consists of the various dates of Moon Phases 2022 as per Indian Standard Time. Before moving on to the various types of Moon Phases and their significance, let us take a look at its importance.

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2022 Moon Phases Calendar: Importance of Lunar Calendar 2022

As we all know that the planet signifies our mind and the soul, the Moon likewise remains as the benefactor of our feelings, instincts, imaginative capacities and our mother. It rules over the fourth house. It also keeps changing it’s phases consistently. The most regular phases are known as the Full Moon which is known as Purnima and the New Moon generally known as Amavasya. These phases of the Moon additionally carry critical changes to the existence of individuals.

Apart from the New Moon and the Full Moon, there are different phases of the Moon which are additionally critical to observe in this Lunar Calendar 2022. To make things more convenient for you, we have effectively given you the dates of different periods of the Moon in the year 2022. Now, let us discover what are those various periods of the Moon which will take place in the year 2022.

Moon Phases Calendar 2022: New Moon in 2022

In 2022 Moon Phases dates, the New Moon phenomenon is extremely important to note. This phenomenon takes place when Chandrama or the Moon gets aligned in the middle of the Sun and the Earth. During this time, the Moon likewise stays in close proximity to the Sun. By this time we get to realize that the Sun's light is all that the Moon has, in view of which its outer surface gets enlightened and what we can see is a curve-like state of the Moon in the sky. .

If we talk about these in profound terms, it denotes the beginning of a lunar cycle and furthermore represents new innings and achievements. It has already been stated that the Moon’s state occupies an important position in an individual’s life. The New Moon, which finds a mention in the Moon Phases 2022 Calendar additionally turns out to be one such wonder which offers people the vital arrangement of chances to settle on new objectives and work on their future. Life is all about new beginnings and fresh opportunities and New Moon helps one with such innings.. You can check out the New Moon 2022 dates from the table above.

Moon Phases Calendar 2022: Full Moon in 2022

Next lined up in the list of Moon phases calendar 2022 is the Full Moon, which is otherwise called the Purnima. This event ordinarily takes place when the Earth comes in the middle of the Sun and the Moon. Generally when this wonder strikes, all three of them meet up in an orderly fashion. It can likewise be said that when this happens the Sun enlightens the whole Moon.

If we talk about this day and event in particular, then on this day, typically individuals tend to stay extremely low on this day. They likewise think that it is very hard to finish things then. Fatigue takes over the body. Subsequently, it is instructed to take great consideration regarding your wellbeing upon the occurrence of the Full Moon. You can check out the Full Moon 2022 dates from the table above.

2022 Moon Phases: First Quarter

In this segment on the Moon phases 2022 Calendar, we will discuss the main quarter period of the Moon. During the first quarter duration, the Moon stays 90 degrees away in the sky from the Sun and its partially visible view can be seen when we take a look at it from the Earth. The name "First Quarter" is given to this stage because of the fact that the Moon goes for about a quarter around Earth since the time the start of the New Moon. This period of the Moon for the most part demonstrates one's dynamic capacities.

Moon Phases 2022 Calendar: Third Quarter

The third quarter of the Moon in the Moon phases 2022 calendar represents it’s last stage. The Last Quarter period of the Moon comes into the light when precisely one portion of the Moon remains illuminated when seen from the Earth and the other remaining parts stay shadowed. This Moon stage can be associated with failures and negative vibes. With the discussion on various 2022 Moon Phases, we will now talk about some other Moon phases and types of Moon which can occur in the year 2022.

Moon Phases 2022 Calendar: Blue Moon 2022 Dates

Whenever we have heard of the term Blue Moon, one often wonders what exact;y is it. Moon phases 2022 calendar also talks about this and as it turns out,, it tends to be perceived that this is an extremely uncommon event. An extensively new concept, Blue Moon takes place when two New Moons show up around the same time. Generally when 4 Full Moons show up in a specific season, the third one to seem is known as a Blue Moon. No Blue Moon will be seen in 2022 and the upcoming one will be only seen in the year 2037.

Moon Phases 2022 Calendar: Black Moon

In this last segment on Moon phases 2022 calendar, we will talk about the Black Moon, which is quite similar to the Blue Moon. The Black Moon appears when an extra or new Moon shows up inside the range of a month or season. During the whole year of 2022 Moon phases, only on the 30 April, a Black Moon will be seen. This phenomenon attacks our vulnerable and worst period which can make us powerless and sincerely feeble. Thus, whenever it occurs, it is encouraged to stay patient and quiet.

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So, this is all you need to know about the Moon Phases 2022 Calendar based on Lunar Calendar 2022. Thank You so much for connecting with AstroCAMP!!

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