The Mystery of Scorpio in Astrology

Author: S N Rao | Last Updated: Sat 17 Dec 2011 12:21:34 PM

By S N Rao

Over the years, Scorpio has had an indifferent reputation – it has even been considered “the bad sign”. This is sheer nonsense. All signs have “good” and “bad” qualities, and Scorpio is no more or less than the other eleven. In fact, this powerful sign bestows the highest level of physical and emotional energy of the whole zodiac. Those in whose birth chart it is emphasized – whether by Sun, Ascending, or Moon sign – are supported by strong resources which are the basis of great potential, and which can be expressed in countless ways.

It is their remarkable energy that singles out Sun-sign Scorpios. This energy must be positively channeled, and, if it is not expressed though a truly rewarding career or profession, or diversified in other meaningful directions, it stagnates, and the individual becomes vulnerable to feeling unfulfilled and restless, and suffering bouts of depression. In such cases these powerful emotions can be negatively expressed through the worst and most common Scorpio fault: jealousy (sometimes combined with resentfulness and brooding). In extreme cases, such negativity can lead to violence. Most people born under this very impressive sign are big achievers. Scorpios possess tremendous drive and a strong desire to ‘‘go places’’. Once they find the right goal for themselves in life, they approach it with determination and tenacity. They are capable of deep, incisive thought and sharp observation. In fact, their minds are rather like that of a detective – they never miss a thing.

Scorpios have the reputation of being the sexiest among all the 12 zodiac signs. People tend to think that their preoccupation with sex leaves them with little time for anything else. However, this is not true. A detailed study of this sign often reveals that a Scorpio’s positive energies usually find expression through a variety of ways. For instance, here is the dedicated homemaker, who works 24/7 for her family and keeps her home immaculate. Or the man who has a physically demanding job, but whose heart and soul is in his garden, boat, camera, or his hobby.

Scorpio as Ascendant

When Scorpio rises, it casts its influence on the entire birth chart. It energizes the individual’s Sun sign and increases his or her emotional level, which, in most cases, is an asset. But, in the case of ‘‘cool’’ Sun signs – say Virgo, Capricorn, or Aquarius – there may be a conflict between expressing emotions and adopting a rational and logical approach. Scorpio will, however, add an element of get-up-and-go that will be especially valuable if it is in sync with other indications in the chart. Rising-sign Scorpios are particularly keen to ‘‘know themselves’’. In this pursuit, many even go through psycho-analysis in order to ‘‘get themselves sorted’’. Their intention of untangling real or imagined complications in their lives is commendable, provided it does not turn into an obsession.

The Physical Being

The traditional Scorpio body area is the genitals. It is probably due to this fact that Scorpio has acquired a reputation for being obsessed with sex. Be that as it may, the body area ruled by the Ascendant (and to a certain extent the Sun sign) is always vulnerable, so it is advisable that those who are sexually active do not take the risk of indulging in unprotected sex with new or casual partners. Women should get regular smear tests done, while men should regularly examine themselves for any signs of testicular cancer. We cannot stress too strongly the need for regular and demanding exercise – water sports, heavy team games, or martial arts are especially suitable. Physical energy must be properly used, if the typical penchant for rich food and good wine is not to lead to a dramatic increase in Scorpio’s girth.

Scorpio as Moon sign

The Moon’s influence over Scorpio is a potent and very powerful ingredient of the personality as a whole. It adds considerable depth to the individual, and takes his or her emotional energy to a very high level. The response to situations will tend to lean in one of the two directions. Either the Scorpio’s will become extremely quiet and brooding, holding back until he or she feels the time is right to take action, and to respond verbally. Or else, in the case of Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, or Taurus as their Sun or Ascendant signs, they will react immediately by flaring up, and putting everyone in their place with a display of anger. As emotions are heightened by the Moon, the tendency to overreact and dramatize situations is considerable. When stressed, the individual may also suffer from
jealousy, or may become resentful. Sulkiness can also occur.


The Moon will encourage the Scorpio to always see a project to its end. Scorpios will be eager to get to the root of everything that involves or interests them. Being perfectionists, they have to ‘‘get things right’’, and they will rest only when they have done so. An element of possessiveness can occur, but this will usually emerge only as an immediate response to a particular situation. This possessive streak can be countered by the presence of other planetary influences in the chart. This planetary placing may at the same time emphasize sexual needs, as well as a tendency to be sexually impulsive. This, of course, can be good fun and hence delightful; but, if the urge is particularly potent, the individual can be susceptible not just to choosing the wrong partner, but to life-threatening ailments as well. At its best, this sign placing will pleasantly enhance the sexual impulse and response, and make for an excitingly erotic sexual partner.

The Effects of a Fixed Sign

Faced with an apparently lazy child, parents with a Scorpio Moon may well resort to a very strict disciplinary régime. They might even attempt to bully the child into action. In other ways, there can be a fairly harsh reaction to anything the Moon-in-Scorpio individual considers reprehensible. Such a person will, for instance, favour strong curbs on criminals or illegal immigrants, to the extent that others may find it difficult to argue with him or her, let alone convince them that they are overreacting. Scorpio is a ‘‘fixed’’ sign, and flexibility of thought and opinion does not come easily. In fact, in most situations it is difficult for anyone to change the minds of people who have their Moon in Scorpio. Scorpios are cautious about making friends. Before upgrading someone from an acquaintance’s position to that of a friend, they will carefully take a look at the individual’s lifestyle to make sure there is something in common to help seal the bond. Once the chord is struck, their friends will thoroughly enjoy the time spent together. Scorpios tend to go the whole way, and will inspire their friends to make a greater effort in their careers, or in any interests or hobbies (especially if they are shared with the Scorpio). They also love good food and wine, and often entertain lavishly. Sharing a sporting activity with a Scorpio may be a good idea, not only because they will inspire us into action, but also because it will help the Scorpio use his or her physical energy in a satisfactory manner. Sessions at the gym, on the sports field, at the pool, or on

Trust and Confidence

If Scorpios become uncommunicative or moody, it may be because they have some problem about which they find it difficult to open up and talk. Friends will need to assure them of their trust worthiness before Scorpios can confide in them. It is relatively easy to encourage them to discuss any day-today family or work problem. But if they are troubled by some long-standing and perhaps deep-rooted psychological trouble, we need to do everything we can to encourage them to seek therapy. It is all too easy for a problem of this sort to seriously injure a Scorpio’s psyche. Tact is necessary if one has to split time between Scorpio friends and others, who they may or may not know well. Scorpios can get jealous very easily, and then one will have to do a lot of careful explaining, lest the friendship takes a permanent hit. The suggestion of a get-together with other friends will, however, be a good litmus test. If the Scorpio clams up, then the problem is unresolved; if there is a happy grin, then the case is won. If they are truly delighted, they will suggest uncorking another bottle of champagne. Scorpios love good wine and to have fun; they also like to make a good impression.

Scorpio in Love

When Scorpios fall in love, they fall really hard. They are not just sexually, but psychologically passionate – often with an almost obsessive affection for the partner and a hope that it is reciprocated with equal fervor. An unrequited love will often act as a considerable challenge for Scorpios. They will not give up easily, and will pursue their admired one doggedly, using every trick in the book until they get the desired response. Scorpio affairs will not be placid like a pleasant drift on a moonlit lake; they are better described as a highly enjoyable storm. There will be moments of blissful happiness, but their relationships will also be marred by upsetting quarrels and difficult moments. If the relationship is going to continue or develop into something permanent, these difficult moments need to be faced and resolved along the way. Unfortunately, jealousy is very often the cause of problems where a Scorpio partner is concerned. They tend to draw the net even more tightly at such times, and become extremely possessive. They want to know every detail of the time that the partner did not spend with them. As a result, the partner may start feeling claustrophobic, and unable to do his or her own thing freely. Scorpio fears are, of course, frequently unjustified, but proving this can be quite difficult and tiresome. Their suspicious nature will need a lot of convincing that nothing untoward is going on.


It can be very difficult when one wants to end a relationship with a Scorpio. They will cling on in the hope of making a fresh start, especially if they have been at fault and are nursing guilt. On the contrary, if they feel that they have had enough, the end may come as a short sharp blow to the partner. At a time like this, the partner will do well to remember that the Scorpio will definitely not be interested in healing wounds. The affair is over, and that is the end of it. As for the reason – it will probably be because the Scorpio has become attracted to some new, and perhaps in their eyes, even more desirable partner.

Scorpio and Careers

Whether they aim to become high powered financiers or plumbers (their choice of possible careers is very wide), emotional involvement is extremely important for Scorpios. If, for some reason, they find themselves stuck in a dull and uninvolving job, it will be especially important for them to have an extremely stimulating leisure interest. As opposed to this, some Scorpios are highly motivated to make money and, therefore, devote all their energy towards this end. Such people find fulfillment in the growth of their bank account. But in far more cases – although prosperity is important because they love to spend money on as lavish a lifestyle as possible – it will be their actual work or irresistible spare time interest that provides the focus.

Scorpio and Money

Scorpios who follow their intuition where money is concerned are usually on the right track. A knack of investing shrewdly and wisely will be present due to the Scorpio influence as Sun, Rising, or Moon sign. They are generally interested in finance, and enjoy watching stock movements. They often intuitively know precisely the right moment at which to step into the market in order to buy or sell stocks. There are always some members of this sign who will risk all their capital, and as a result, may lose everything. At such times, Scorpio individuals will turn to another facet of their personalities which will tell them that the problem is water under the bridge and that now is the time to start to begin building their financial empire all over again. Not hankering after the past is what keeps them focused on the long term future.

A Secretive Nature

We must accept the fact that Scorpios are not the “open book” kind of people that we find in other signs. Their secretiveness will sometimes be expressed through their attitude towards money. They are often reluctant to talk about their financial situation, even to partners. They may also conceal the extent of their regular income. Money is the most likely source of conflict between couples, and can very easily become extremely disruptive. While Scorpios are known to have pretty strong views on what, where, and when to invest, some traditional indications have been proven to be worthwhile over time. These include mining, coal and oil, heavy engineering, armaments, fisheries, the wine trade, and catering. All these sectors have seen some successful investments by this zodiac group. Others, who feel that the stock markets are too risky for investment, will do well to settle for long-term insurance policies. Regular saving in accounts where the element of risk is less will prove much more rewarding in the future. On completion of the policy, the individual will be in a good position to reassess and make changes to his or her lifestyle.

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