Panneer Selvam oath taking time- KP analysis

Author: - | Last Updated: Wed 21 Dec 2016 6:07:14 PM

Mr.Panneer Selvam took oath as CM of Tamilnadu after the pathetic death of Puratchi thalaivi Jayalalitha. The following is the horoscope for the moment of his coronation:

Here the Asc denotes the person who took the oath whereas the 10th house denotes his ruling. Obviously 7th house denotes both public and opponents.

The sub lord of the 10th house is Rahu. He is in 12th house in the star and sub of Venus. She is in 4th house in the star of Sun. Therefore Rahu is connected with 3-4-12 houses. Here there is a salient point, 9th house is in Venus-Sun-Venus zone whereas Rahu is in Sun-Venus-Venus zone. As KP is all about zones can we consider this as interlink? I think the connection is stronger when the planet occupies the same zones of a cusp.

It is different than the mere signification of 9th house by being in the star of 9th lord Venus or being in the star of 9th sub lord Venus. It is a direct bond between the 10th house and 9th house. Readers should note it to be an observation and verify. This quite often happens when a planet is the sign-star-sub of a house then it becomes very powerful agent for the execution of that cusp.

Therefore 10th house is considerably weakened with this combination. Mars, lord of the 8th house is aspecting Rahu. If a cuspual sub lord signifies different planets then it will reveal the results of each planet for that cusp during the conjoined periods of significators. I think this is the reason for KSK stating that If the sub lord of 7th house is connected with 2-7-11 houses then marriage is promised and it will take place during the conjoined periods of significators for 2-7-11 houses only.

Therefore the signification of 8th house by Rahu as the sub lord of 10th house will be manifested during the period of planets connected with Mars through their stars. Incidentally the main dasa of the horoscope is itself Mars! Hence this ruling may not last long. Always the conjoined period of planets connected with 8-12 houses is not good for a person and 5-8-9-12 for the position in career.

Here Mars is in 5th house in own star and Rahu sub. Kethu is in the star of Rahu in 12th house. Therefore the conjoined period of Mars-Kethu-Rahu that rules during the month June 2017 is somewhat anxious for his ruling. The overall Kethu sub period needs consideration as it is the only planet in the star of Rahu. Otherwise he may serve full term.

Good Luck

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