Enigma of Rahu & Ketu (Part – 2)

Author: Nitin Datta | Last Updated: Wed 27 Feb 2013 12:52:08 PM

By Nitin Datta

In continuation to our previous article “Enigma of Rahu & Ketu (Part – 1)”, we now proceed to understand the most common problems caused by these planets to human beings.

It is very difficult to understand whether Rahu is a better trouble maker or Ketu. We take a fair calculation that both are troublemakers. Practically speaking, these planets may create multiple opportunities for a person in a given situation. For instance, if Rahu is playing the key role in a person’s life to deliver marriage then it is very likely that the person would undergo great stress to meet his/her life partner. There would be series of unwanted alliances for him/her. Rahu would undoubtedly deliver marriage to the individual but it would do that in its own unique style.

Another facet of these two planets is to make an individual perform same task or activity again and again. A particular activity that can be performed in one attempt would take many attempts if these planets are involved in the individual’s life at that point of time.

Yet another problem caused by these planets is to cause unnecessary wanderings in an individual’s life. An individual may go on undecided, unwanted trips without any results. An individual would act and react on impulse without realizing the consequences.

Not failing to mention that Rahu and Ketu never perform a balancing act in an individual’s life. They pull/push a person to extreme levels. They attract some cost from the individual to deliver results to him/her. For instance, Rahu may deliver rise in profession to an individual and make him a complete workaholic but simultaneously it would create disturbances in his personal and social life too.

Last but not the least; they may lead an individual toward intoxication. People who have a good taste for liquor and other forms of intoxication are under a heavy influence of Rahu. It may also turn an individual non vegetarian.

The above mentioned afflictions are commonly seen among individuals who have Rahu/Ketu in an unfavorable state in their horoscope. We have attempted a generalized view of these planets to understand the problems caused by them. Every Individual is a unique case, so Rahu and Ketu should also be dealt case wise.

In the next and concluding part of this Article we will discuss the common remedies (Lal Kitab) that turn these trouble making planets in your favor.

To read the first part of this article, please click here- Enigma of Rahu & Ketu (Part - 1).

To read the third part of this article, please click here- Enigma of Rahu & Ketu (Part - 3).

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