Retrograde Planets 2022 Calendar | Retrograde Planets 2022 Dates & Remedies

Author: Vijay Pathak | Last Updated: Mon 13 Dec 2021 2:45:52 PM

AstroCAMP brings to you Retrograde Planets 2022 Calendar shedding light on Retrograde Planets 2022 Dates, Time & Remedies based on the concept of Vedic Astrology. Know more about other planets in retrograde in 2022 and the impact it has on the lives of the natives of all zodiac signs.

All the planets in the solar system are revolving around the Sun in a predefined pattern. Planets, however, have the authority to govern a lot more than just revolving around the Sun, day and night; that is, they directly impact the lives of the people. Planets have a very profound and close influence on our life and destiny. Each planet emits specific energy while moving through the zodiac circle. Some planets move faster, like the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, and Venus. These are called the inner planets, affecting us more profoundly, influencing our daily lives, nature, and mood. Some planets move slowly in the sky and take even as much as 2.5 years to change a sign. This includes Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu. These planets have a good amount and long-lasting impact on us.

Now, these planets move in Direct and Retrograde motions; now, before proceeding further to the retrograde planets 2022 Calendar, dates and results, let us understand what the actual meaning of retrograde is in Vedic Astrology.

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Retrograde planets 2022: What is Retrograde in Vedic Astrology?

Almost every person has one or two retrograde planets in their horoscope, and most people are interested in knowing what retrograde planets signify in their horoscope. In the most straightforward words, when planets are retrograde, they are closest to the earth in this period. Hence, the considered planet transits near the earth whenever they change to be in retrograde motion. Retrograde planets appear to pause and move backwards for a specific time when observed from the earth. They are considered extremely powerful and hence influenced as the most during that period. In terms of astrology, Planets create power, and that is capable of giving a full effect and having more Shadbala during this time.

Let's have a look at some notions related to retrograde planets. These planets may not change their functional nature in the horoscope. Hence if a favourable planet goes retrograde in a horoscope, it may still show positive results. In the same way, if a malefic planet goes retrograde in a horoscope, it may still show negative influences. The retrograde planet placement being in the sign of exalted or debilitated position may not make any significant changes to its functional nature in a horoscope. However, this placement may change the strength of such retrograde planets.

Now we will see what might happen when a planet goes retrograde. A retrograde planet may not be the same as a directly moving planet, and it may give somewhat different results. Let’s see how areas planets impact when they go retrograde, and also, let’s check at the retrograde planets date 2022 mentioned in the table below:

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Retrograde Planets 2022 Calendar

Here is a detailed view of retrograde planets 2022 calendar with accurate dates, days and planets they are making their movement in. Go through the table and find out for yourself now!

Planets Retrograde Starts Retrograde Ends From To
Mercury Friday 14 January 2022 Friday 4 February 2022 Capricorn Capricorn
Mercury Tuesday 10 May 2022 Friday 3 June 2022 Taurus Taurus
Mercury Saturday 10 September 2022 Sunday 2 October 2022 Virgo Virgo
Jupiter Friday 29 July 2022 Thursday 24 November 2022 Pisces Pisces
Venus Sunday 19 December 2021 Saturday 29 January 2022 Capricorn Sagittarius
Saturn Sunday 5 June 2022 Sunday 23 October 2022 Aquarius Capricorn
Mars Sunday 30 October 2022 Friday 13 January 2023 Gemini Taurus

Let us now go through the impact that they have on the life of the people in detail:

Retrograde Planets 2022: Mercury Retrograde 2022 and Its Impact

During the time period when a planet turns retrograde, a person travels abroad and may also have to struggle a lot. In the similar case, a person receives mixed results when Mercury is in retrograde motion. The positive and the negative influences of retrograde Mercury in 2022 are analyzed. On the basis of its association with various planets and a lot of different factors. For example, if a person’s chart gives positive results, then in the phase of retrograde, Mercury will give positive results in the chart and vice versa. Retrograde Mercury affects a person’s behavior and intelligence, and it changes negative thoughts and behavior, and there is also a change in decision making and expression.

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun. It completes one orbit around the Sun in 88 days and completes one rotation on its axis in 58.65 days. Mercury also goes retrograde for a period of approximately 20 to 24 days roughly, and retrogression occurs every four months. Mercury retrograde in 2022 changes things related to speech abilities and communication skills. Natives may become more introverted or extroverted. Apart from this, it may also create some other fine changes depending upon the overall horoscope.

The impact of mercury retrograde 2022 is very evident because people might make some hasty decisions in changing circumstances, and the decisions may create some obstacles for the natives in the future. Natives' behavior also changes during the presence of retrograde Mercury. Mercury brings a change in the thought and behavior of the natives. Mercury is associated with telecommunications and media, and is the significator for writing, comedy, etc. If a person is getting frustrated while dealing with their phone, computer, tablet, or any other gadget or they have lost some data in the phone/computer due to an unexpected crash or internet speed is bothering them, it shows that mercury retrogradation is impacting them. Natives may also feel some delays in their travel plans, unexpected losses, and there may be a state of confusion or problems in understanding new subjects being taught at school or a new project that has lately started in your office. Mercury governs the business sense, observation, and organizational capability as well.

The presence of Mercury in exaltation amplifies the qualities mentioned above, and it provides the natives with good communication skills and high intellectual powers and makes him very practical in nature. On the other hand, when in depletion, it gives the natives low confidence, low memory, difficulty in conveying or expressing their ideas, and the natives may also have unexpected fears and misconceptions. If Mercury is in retrograde position and forming a conjunction with a malefic planet, the overall influence becomes stronger, and the natives may have to face some serious consequences. On the other hand, if it is in conjunction with a positive planet, the native gets excellent results during that time in terms of wealth, increased communication skills and decision-making skills.

Remedies To Perform During Mercury In Retrograde Motion 2022:

  • Donate items that are green in colour.
  • Keep fast on Wednesdays.

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Retrograde Planets 2022: Venus Retrograde 2022 and Its Impact

There is a belief that Venus retrograde is not as significant as Mercury retrograde. It’s a wrong perception. Venus in Retrograde motion may signify the change in the elements of diplomacy, which is one of the major characteristics exhibited by Venus. Natives may become more diplomatic than usual during the event of Venus retrograde in 2022, and it may also affect how the native indulges in pleasures of senses. Venus governs how a person feels and loves. The planet also governs the art, pleasure, material aspects, and relationship between individuals. When the planet is in retrograde motion as per Retrograde Planets 2022 Calendar, it is advised not to indulge in activities directly related to this sphere.

Venus is the third biggest planet and second closest to the Sun. It is 108 million kilometres away from the Sun and completes one orbit around the Sun in 225 days. It also appears to be in a retrograde motion every 19 months, and its retrograde period remains for about 40 to 43 days.

During this period of Venus Retrograde 2022, finance, property, and another creative and artistic side of things will be the main areas of concern, and you can give it a thought on how to evolve in these areas of life. This phase will allow your heart to express and transform your relationship and help you free yourself from the frustration of love or passion for moving towards emotional success. The planet Venus in its exalted sign, will make the natives romantic, beauty lover and highly ambitious during the retrograde period.

On the other hand, a debilitated or afflicted Venus may make one dissatisfied, sceptical, selfish, and very childish in a relationship that may create obstacles in problems during the period of retrograde. If the native has been facing problems in properly expressing themselves or has issues with their partner, wife, or girlfriend, it marks negative influences due to Venus turning retrograde in 2022 can impact their lives. The natives may also seem to be deprived of affection/warmth/love all around, which makes them extremely frustrated. During this period, your dressing sense also deteriorates, and your sex and romance may not seem very interesting.

Remedies To Perform During Venus Retrograde 2022:

  • Chant Venus Mantra with the purity of heart and body and remember Lord Venus to increase the positive results.
  • Donate luxury things, cosmetics to pacify the negative effects of Venus

Retrograde Planets 2022: Jupiter Retrograde 2022 and Its Impact

Jupiter is considered to be the advisor and symbolizes luck, growth, optimism, and plenty of other positive notions. The person under the positive influence of Jupiter signifies growth and development, and this person will be very lucky, fortunate, religious, successful, and generous with high moral values.

Jupiter is the largest planet in the solar system. It takes about 11.86 years to complete one revolution around the Sun. Jupiter turns retrograde every year, and its retrogression period is for about a total of 110 days. Jupiter takes around 12 years to complete one circle around the zodiac, and it stays in one zodiac sign for about 13 months.

Retrograde Jupiter in 2022 as per retrograde planets 2022 calendar may denote changes related to knowledge and wisdom. Hence natives with retrograde Jupiter in their kundli may get affected and see a decrease in their ability to share or spread knowledge and wisdom.

Malefic Jupiter, a weak position of Jupiter in the chart, can affect your education and might distract you from focusing. It makes the person ill-mannered, and disrespectful towards others. Such natives might face difficulty in attaining wealth, education and may have an impact on the digestive system during the retrogradation period. It also reduces the zeal to work and the driving force to work hard and achieve success.

Benefic Jupiter or a positively positioned Jupiter in the chart will help you enjoy all the pleasures of life, and makes one intellectual, instilled with great communication skills, and also inculcates patience in the natives. The person will get inclined towards spirituality as well. It also blesses the person with a great career and recognition, and a person can become very proud and often boast about their achievements and success unnecessarily.

Remedies To Perform During Jupiter Retrograde 2022:
  • It is advised to put a Saffron Tilak daily on your forehead.
  • Offer milk mixed with saffron or turmeric to Lord Shiva.
Retrograde Planets 2022: Saturn Retrograde 2022 and Its Impact

In astrology, Saturn signifies a slow-moving planet. Saturn is considered to be a very big planet and placed at a great distance from the earth. Due to this distance, we observe him moving slowly. It is considered to be the karaka of age and longevity for an individual and blesses one with long life if placed favorably in the horoscope. In spite of its malefic name, Saturn is actually considered as a teacher and the planet of justice, who behaves like a judge and gives justice depending upon the good or bad deeds of a person, and the person who commits sins and bad karma is rewarded accordingly. Saturn rules over bones in a human body. All the large bones in the body are governed by Saturn. Saturn, as per his nature, gives long-term diseases, which are hardly curable.

Saturn is the second biggest planet and is 350,000,000 km from the Sun. It is a slow-moving planet and takes around 29.5 years to complete one revolution around the Sun. It appears retrograde every year for a period of around 135 days, takes around 30 years to revolve around the Zodiac Circle, and stays in each sign for about 2.5 years.

In Vedic astrology, retrograde Saturn plays a very important role as Saturn is considered to be the Lord of work and success. A lot of people have fear regarding planet Saturn and think that it will give them pain and suffering, which is not correct. It is seen that if positively placed, you can enjoy all the fortunes of life. Saturn in a retrograde motion signifies patience and administrative skills. When Saturn in retrograde motion becomes more powerful and impactful as compared to the usual state, the planet will give both favorable and unfavorable results as per individual chart.

With a benefic Saturn, the natives will see sudden growth in wealth and happiness and the person will become fair and abide by the laws in various spheres of life. It makes a person honest and serious about his career and work. Malefic Saturn, negatively placed Retrograde Saturn during the retrograde period in 2022, will bring struggles and obstacles in life. They are likely to experience a less fruitful face in terms of the profession in business. Money does not come very easily to them, and they are not respected in society very well. You might not have a good relationship with people, and you may face an imbalance in marital life, and you are likely to face a lack of decision-making abilities which end up in bad decisions and hurting yourself in the process. Natives can also get stuck in some lawsuits.

Remedies To Perform During Saturn Retrograde 2022:
  • Chant The Mantra of Saturn: Om Shani Shanicharaya Namah during the period of Saturn retrograde in 2022.
  • Light a Diya with mustard oil every Saturday under the Peepal tree to get relief from the ill effects of malefic Saturn.

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Retrograde Planets 2022: Mars Retrograde 2022 And Its Impact

Mars is a fierce red hot planet, and its energy cannot be contained. This energy needs to be released through action and physical means. Mars helps the natives to take up the challenges, fight and win despite the odds, with courage and a competitive spirit. It represents all kinds of energies, including sexual, helps the native to begin something from basics and take it to great heights and adds spirit and ambition in the person. It gives the native the drive to win and become the best, be it in any area of life.

Mars is fourth from the Sun and about 56,000,000 km far from the Earth. It revolves around the Sun and completes one revolution in 687 days. Mars turns retrograde and appears to move backwards from the earth. Its retrogression period is about 6280 days and usually takes place every 26 months. Mars is said to take around 45 days in about each sign and nearly two years to complete its circle of the whole zodiac belt.

The event of Mars Retrograde 2022 holds extreme importance. As per astrology, it is considered to be a factor of enthusiasm and energy. In such a situation, if Mars is in a retrograde position, then it has some major impacts on the life of the natives. The placement of Mars in the horoscope in a retrograde state makes the person ruthless and heartless. However, for some natives, it can bring good luck too.

With a benefic Mars, favorable position of Mars in the horoscope, the natives will be physically strong, have more abilities as compared to others around, and will be successful in all kinds of sports and physical activity. Mars also blesses the natives with courage and gives favorable results in the field of police, Army, Security, and defence.

With malefic Mars, the unfavorable position of Mars in the horoscope, during the period of Mars retrograde in 2022, the natives will be violent and angry and may take help without thinking or analyzing. The family life of such natives is also troublesome as they are likely to fight with their partner without any reason that can create distance between the two of them. Mars has been called the factor of blood, so on the health front, it indicates a lack of blood levels in the body, and the person is likely to go through self-esteem issues and low trust levels.

Remedies To Perform During Mars Retrograde 2022:
  • Avoid shifting to a new residence when Mars is in retrograde in 2022.
  • Mars mantra should be recited when Mars is retrograde, or you should read Hanuman Chalisa and offer Sindoor to Lord Hanuman.

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We hope that this article on Retrograde Planets 2022 proves to be useful for you. May you have a happy and blessed year ahead!

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