How Will Sachin Perform In His Last Match?

Author: Pt. Hanumman Mishra | Last Updated: Fri 15 Nov 2013 10:27:23 AM

By Pt. Hanumman Mishra

Sachin Tendulkar has held the bat to show his last batting of his career. In the India Vs West Indies 2013 Series; Sachin has taken the first 2 test matches as his 199th and 200th match, respectively. Let’s see what astrology says about his performance…

Started his career in 1989 and left the world awestruck with his batting, the greatest batsman ever - Sachin Tendulkar will take retirement from his cricketing career after playing his last and 200th test match. Hence, it is natural to have this anticipation to know how he will perform in this match. The next best part of this match is that even Sachin’s mom has joined the audience. Sachin has also promised his fans that it will be a memorable match. In order to satisfy your excitement, we tried to find out how Sachin will perform in this match with the help of astrology.

Born on April 24, 1973 under the Navamsa of Gemini and Leo ascendant, Tendulkar is currently going through the Maha Dasha (major period) of Rahu and Antar Dasha (sub-period) of Moon. The believers of astrology don’t consider the period of Rahu and Moon auspicious. Therefore, Sachin will have to put a lot of efforts for an amazing performance. However, Rahu and Moon both are posited in the fifth house of the birth chart. Fifth house is considered as auspicious. Hence, Sachin’s performance will also not be disappointing. It means that Sachin’s performance will be average according to Maha Dasha and Pratyantar Dasha, but during the match Moon’s Pratyantar Dasha will be more effective. Moon is posited in the constellation of Venus and Venus is posited at destiny house being Lord of the third as well as tenth house. So, auspiciousness is increasing more here. During match, Saturn’s Sookshma Dasha (sub-sub-sub-sub period) will be effective. Saturn is posited in tenth and is the significator of big name and fame. It means that Sachin is getting the support of planetary periods to a good extent. Let’s now put some light on transits.

From November 14 to 16, Moon will transit from eighth to ninth house. It means that if Sachin plays between November 14 to 16, his performance will only be a little better than the average. If we see transit from Moon chart, Moon seems to be in fourth and fifth house. It is also showing an average level of auspiciousness. Hence, Sachin will have to play quite attentively with intelligence for a memorable play.

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