Know The Exact Date To Perform Shraddha in 2014 Using Our Unique Tool

Author: Akansha Gupta | Last Updated: Fri 28 Sep 2012 6:28:39 PM

Shraddha ritual requires knowledge of exact tithi of demise of the ancestor. Now a days we know English dates but are not aware of tithi as per Hindu calendar. Our Shraddha tithi finder tool let you know the tithi of demise and the date when you should perform Shraddha in coming PItru Paksha 2014.

Do you want the complete gratification of the soul of your forefathers? Shraddha is a traditional ritual that is performed to gratify the souls of our ancestors. The shraddha performed on the precise date of the dead relatives is the most relevant one. It can also be said that shraddha executed on any other date other than the date of the death, will have no significance. Busy schedule and demanding work life has absorbed the available time of people. Hence, they do not even get time to know all the correct tithis. Therefore, focusing on all these factors AstroCAMP has come up with a “Shraddha Tithi Finder Tool”. This tool will assist you in finding the exact date on which the shraddha of your relative should be performed. You just have to visit the link given below and enter the asked details about your relative. Within few seconds the Shraddha tithi finder tool will provide you the accurate tithi to execute shraddha. Many people in the country perform shraddha on any date as they are not aware of such facts. AstroCAMP is giving you a chance of improving all your mistakes made unknowingly and is guiding you towards perfection.

To find the exact date of Shraddha click on - Shraddha tithi finder tool

Shraddha is an important ritual. If it is performed with utter affection, the ancestors will shower all their blessings on you and your family. But, failure in performing Shraddha perfectly might result in your mental dissatisfaction and disturbed environment at home. To get the most fruitful results out of your Shraddha pooja, try to follow all the customs as they are. Performing a Shraddha with accuracy will not only bestow the dead, but also, will nourish the mind and soul of the people alive. It is most simple way to express your gratitude to your ancestors and thank them for their blessings on you. Shraddha can be seen as a way of connecting to the people who are responsible for your existence on earth.

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