The Sweet Taste of Lemon

Author: Nitin Datta | Last Updated: Fri 12 Apr 2024 2:10:45 PM

By Nitin Datta

Lemon is one of the most important fruits. We mix lemon juice to various foods/dishes to make them tangy in taste. Likewise, lemon juice has its own significance as a daily drink. Be it India or abroad, lemon finds its unique place in everyone’s kitchen.

Interestingly lemon finds a unique place in Astrology too. Some of the well known remedies of Lal Kitab are based solely on lemon. Astrology has given enormous importance to lemon as an ingredient in many remedies. It is believed that lemon has the tendency to get rid of the evil eye (casting bad effects on something). It is worth noting that in India almost all the shopkeepers have a tendency to hang a lemon pierced with a black thread with seven green chilies tied on the either sides of the lemon (four chilies on top and three below) on their main entrance.

This practice has a great Astrological reasoning behind it. Lemon is known to keep enemies at bay. Tying it on the main entrance gains tremendous positive energy to the immediate surrounding area and keeps the evil eye and negative energy at bay. We observe these things in our everyday life but do not try to understand the reason behind it.

It is believed that lemon can help people who have frequent bad dreams. Placing a fresh green lemon under the pillow before sleeping mitigates the tendency of having bad dreams. The lemon should be thrown away in the next morning. Repeating this exercise helps getting rid of bad dreams completely.

Even in our worship lemon finds a very interesting place. Offering a garland of 21 lemons to Goddess Kali pleases her and wishes of the worshipper are fulfilled (here lemon is an assistance in overall worship and not the worship itself).

In Astrology, Venus governs sour taste. Donating lemon helps pacifying afflicted Venus. Those having well placed Venus would have a good taste for sour items like tamarind, pickle, sour fruit juice etc. Lemon is associated with Jupiter too. We cannot ignore the fact that the outer skin of lemon is yellow in color (Jupiter represents yellow color). In South India, lemon is extensively used in worship of deities and it is used in worshipping Jupiter too.

Lemon finds a unique place in black magic and witchcraft too. Many evil practices involve use of lemon as an ingredient. One should never involve in such practices and must believe in worship of God with a clean heart.

This is just a small attempt to understand the importance as per Astrological reasoning. The importance and greatness of lemon is unending.

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