Tarot Reading November, 2011

Author: Bala Mishra | Last Updated: Mon 31 Oct 2011 12:39:22 PM

Aries Horoscope (March 21- April 20)

Your card this month is Death

There may be an inner battle for self-transformation in the next month. A rather beautiful one. You may shift from love of self to love of family, friends or the group called humanity. A great liberation occurs with your vitality and creativity. Till now everything's been for you alone. Now your needs to serve expand. Watch for illuminating ideas.

Taurus Horoscope (April 21- May 21)

Your card this month is The Mooon

You desire a birth (of sorts). Perhaps a child or a birthing of consciousness wherein, detaching from emotional desires, you aspire for God, heaven, the path back to Spirit. This will not be easy but you will spiral upward quickly, should you make this choice. Otherwise, keep seeking all things in matter though the Light is hidden.

Gemini Horoscope (May 23 - June 20)

Your card this month is The Lovers

All dualities will feel more tense as you begin to relate, blend and join (through Venus) with the Soul purpose. This tension is important to observe and understand. It occurs so you can see the energies of matter and energies of Spirit in a clear light. Eventually you will experience a "marriage" of opposites. Then you will teach differently.

Cancer Horoscope (June 21 - July 20)

Your card this month is Two of Cups

Locally, you will need to reach out to neighbors and possibly family for assistance. Everyone you contact will have one more piece of the puzzle that you seem to be experiencing. You cannot do all the changes you're experiencing alone. You are attempting to understand the great changes occurring now. This will come in time. For now, just act and keep going forward.

Leo Horoscope (July 21 - Aug 22)

Your card this month is Ten Of Batons

Love increases exponentially in all aspects of your life till you almost feel dizzy with it. For some Leos this may translate into the desire for a child (others a pet). Relationships with children expand your heart and provide you with the impetus to create (a child, art, games, puzzles, a story, poetry, etc.). Careful though that when you say something, you follow through completely.

Virgo Horoscope (Aug 23 - Sept 22)

Your card this month is Two of Batons

This month you may enter into a sort of self-analysis, looking at your strengths and what you may consider your weaknesses. Try not to be self-critical. Simply assess. Also try not to make other people's situations, problems, sorrow, pains your own. These are steps upon their path of self-discovery. Much of your energy should be in retreat.

Libra Horoscope (Sept 23 - Oct 22)

Your cards this month is Two of Cups

Something within your relationship, something essential and vital, changes. Perhaps your awareness heightens. Perhaps you realize your needs and that of your partner's more deeply. Closeness is most important for the next month. Enemies can also become apparent at this time. But focus more on the "beloved."

Scorpio Horoscope (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

Your card of the month is King Of Batons

Your executive position, wherever that is, has been earned. Yet it is also a place where you are tested. It is most important to display the right use of your will. Be willing to use goodwill to create Right Human Relations. This is the scientific formula for leadership. Anything less is personal ambition, which everyone falls down from.

Sagittarius Horoscope (Nov 22 - Dec 20)

Your card of the month is Four of Batons

You will not allow anything to stop you from marching toward your goals. Therefore it's good to call in the Soul for direction and guidance, lest you march over others and leave them rather wounded. What you must do is move forward yet provide a path for others to follow. This demands of you a certain courage, wisdom, and love. Can you do this?

Capricorn Horoscope (Dec 21 - Jan 20)

Your card of the month is Hanged Man

You need to study something that educates you beyond the level of abilities you presently possess. A greater view of life is needed so you can synthesize the parts that don't fit together. Everything outside your usual reality will make you curious, more intelligent, and more interesting. The latter is most important. Travel comes to mind here.

Aquarius Horoscope (Jan 21 - Feb 18)

Your card of the month is Temperance

In the past few Months you've had to arbitrate between warring factions. This was due to Mars in Leo in your 7th house. Some Aquarians are tended to family troubles. Others had troubles in relationships. Now you are to relax until a consolidation takes place. Later, two realities will become one and something new will manifest. Rest now.

Pisces Horoscope (Feb 18 - March 20)

Your card of the month is Knave of Batons

There is such a great longing within you for all environments you come in contact with to be beautiful, organized, ordered, well tended, and harmonious. You seek this harmony within relationships, too. Due to this need, your Soul ruler (Pluto) will soon demand changes of all you contact in order that that harmony comes about. But first, there will be great conflict because only through chaos and conflict does the new level of harmony come about. This is your task. Have courage.

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