Tarot Reading for October, 2011

Author: Bala Mishra | Last Updated: Mon 3 Oct 2011 11:52:14 AM

Aries Predictions

Your card of the month is The Sun

Your vital energy and personal power are quite high this month; your usual fire is back in shape and ready for action. Your confidence is sustaining you the whole month, but watch out beginning with the second part of October, there might be a period when it is harder to figure out what is happening inside of you and what you want, it is essential to remember to enjoy and put a little love in everything you’re doing.

Taurus Predictions

Your card of the month is The Empress

Vitality at its peak for your sign in this period for the first week of October, feels like you can do anything and nothing could stop you from achieving what you want, but after this you should be more careful because it might be a more difficult period regarding your energy levels. It is important to be generous even if you might feel somewhat aliened from your usual resources and try not to take things too seriously.

Gemini Predictions

Your card of the month is The Strength

The first two weeks of October might be somewhat fluctuating regarding your energy levels, but it is important to find joy in everything you do, no matter how tiring things might seem. This will help you use your energy toward your inner satisfaction rather than just act on what you want, thus achieving more efficiency in what you desire.

Cancer Predictions

Your card of the month is Two Of Batons

It is a great period for your vitality and inner strength, almost every aspect sustains you in your effort. You will have more chances than usual toward achieving your goals, chances that you should take advantage of.

Leo Predictions

Your card of the month is The Moon

Maintaining your usual energy levels might require more effort than usual in the first part of October, you will have to be very clear about what you want and how you intend to get it in order to avoid spreading your attention in several (some unimportant) directions and maintaining your balance in your vital energy. The connection to your soul will be much easier to keep if you discipline yourself and organize your time well this period.

Virgo Predictions

Your card of the month is Ten Of Batons

The first part of October might be somewhat exhausting for you if you are not used to orient your attention toward your souls’ calling. Doing anything else than things that deeply fulfill you might consume your vital energy more than usual. In the second part try to find joy in everything you do, your small pleasures and delights will fire up your energy.

Libra Predictions

Your card of the month is Knight of Batons

In the first part of the month your vital energy is at its max if you use it wisely spend your time doing things that have practical meaning in your life, oriented toward objective results; second part of October will be a little less energized, but you can still get the maximum of it if you are playful and joyous.

Scorpio Predictions

Your card of the month is Four Of Cups

Your vital energy is in good shape, but watch out for your personality and ego growing slowly. The second part of October will be especially under this influence, you will tend to take yourself way too seriously and you might forget to enjoy yourself on your way.

Sagittarius Predictions

Your card of the month is King Of Batons

Your vital energy is in regular shape, but it seems that you lack a certain motivation to act, you need to find an inner drive to put your energy in motion. There might be some difficulties in adapting to a world that seems to move too fast for you, but it is you who has to speed up a little bit.

Capricorn Predictions

Your card of the month is Queen Of Coins

Although you might not be very used to it, the whole month is about being joyous, playful and spontaneous, it is like you have the chance to discover several aspects of your soul that you were not so conscious about, or maybe didn’t manifest before. Your vital energy is great so try to put a smile on your seriousness and maybe even share it with others...

Aquarius Predictions

Your card of the month is King of Coins

Although you might not have full control on your vital energy this period, your connection to others through your soul’s energy is great. Take your time in enjoying all the aspects that manifest for you this period in order to fill you up emotionally.

Pisces Predictions

Your card of the month is The Hanged Man

It might be even more challenging to integrate yourself into the “real” world than usual, but you can’t say that it is a difficult or bothering period. It’s just that not the best time for action, although it is required, so try to get out of that floating state and put a little action into your wishes in order to make them come true.

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