Vijayaikadashi 2012 date

Author: - | Last Updated: Fri 2 Sep 2011 10:23:22 AM

Vijayaikadashi 2012 date is 24 February. Vijayaikadashi falls in the eleventh Phalguna. Vijayaikadashi is not a very popular fast observed by the devotees as compared to the other Hindu festivals.

The Celebration

A water jar, decorated with the emblems of Vishnu, and considered as him, is worshipped with the usual oblations; bathing in the morning and a vigil at night are to be observed. This is considered as a purification ceremony, first performed by the lord Rama to secure his passage across the ocean to Lanka; according to the authority, the Skanda Purana, quoted by the Kalpa Druma, Vijayaikadshi is an old ceremony of a purification tendency, removing sin and conducing to virtue.

Before taking leave of the period which has been latterly described, and which corresponds with the greater portion of the month of February, it is impossible not to be struck with the peculiar character of the ceremonies. From the time of the Vasantapanchami, which ushers in the spring with indications of festivity, all the observances partake more or less of a purification purport; some of them have no other aim than the expiration of sin, whilst this in others is mixed up with the worship of the Manes. Purification from, or expiation of wickedness is, however, the predominating design of the ceremonies; and ablution and fasting, and abstinence of all kinds are the practices considered essential to the attainment of this object. Such are the chief intentions of the Makara Saptami, Bhishmashtami, Bhaimyekadasi, Shat Tila Danam, Yugidya, and Sakashtami, all occurring within this interval. Now the spirit of the time is precisely that which marked a great part of the month of February among the Bomans, and the name of the month itself is said to have been derived from its dedication by Numa to Februus, the god of lustrations, for in that month it was necessary to purify the city and pay to the Dii Manes the oblations that were due: According to some, the name is derived from the verb " februor," to be cleansed or purified. The connexion between lustrations and obsequial rites is another analogy, and consonantly with this opinion, the Feralia, or worship of the manes were celebrated for several days in February, ending with the 17th, or according to some with the 23rd. The month was thence called also the Feralis Mensis. This similarity of time and of purposes can scarcely'have been accidental, and there can be no reasonable doubt that the Feralia of the Eomans and the Sraddha of the Hindus, the worship of the Pitris and of the Manes, have a com Dion character and had a common origin.
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