Feng Shui for Office

Author: Kavita Srivastava | Last Updated: Sat 26 Nov 2011 1:51:24 PM

Fengh Shui & Its Background

Many people want to know what is Feng Shui? An ancient geomancy Chinese art which originated from China about three centuries ago, “Feng Shui” stands for “wind and water” in the Chinese context. Technically it suggests various postures and placements in which the furniture and other household goods should be arranged and placed in order to ensure an ideal balance in the dwelling house and so in life. It also possesses certain mystical powers which wash away the evil content that is holding space in the house.

Feng Shui : Concept

We are wrong if we contextually see Feng Shui and Indian Vastu as synonyms to each other. Feng Shui as opposed to vastu helps in enhancing the positive energy of the residents through the mechanism of apt positioning of various contents in the room. Feng Shui in essence is the art and process of providing the ideal orientation to various household products namely furniture, paintings, mirrors, curtains etc. To put it succinctly one must understand that as injecting unwanted colours in a canvass would never bring out or convey the correct message of a painting similarly wrong positioning of the household goods would multiply the negative energy to the detriment of the resident. Some important tips on Feng Shui for homes can be read here. However one need to remember that if the structure of the household has some inherent fundamental defect then it is comparatively difficult to enjoy the benefits of Feng Shui.

Feng Shui in the Office

Office Feng Shui is dependent on the owner (MD or the most senior officer), the nature of work being conducted inside and the utmost important is the space. In order to accomplish harmony and productivity one need to combine the principles of feng shui and arrangement of the objects (furniture, paintings, plants, etc) that matches to the nature of the industry. Objects that create hindrances in ability to work are like bright light, broken desk drawers, overgrown plants; they do not belong in the office. They should be removed or fixed without any further delay. Just like Feng Shui for house, office Feng Shui is also very important.

According to the Feng Shui, office spaces ought to be designed in Yang style, which stands for very open and roomy with plenty of excess space to accomplish the responsibilities. This creates a model ambience for goal oriented, result seeking corporations. Fine tuning of the objects to the space results in turn out as higher quality products.

Office Feng Shui Tips

  • Your desk should be placed diagonally to the doorway or directly facing it, rather than with your back to it.
  • If there's more than one desk, place two on a diagonal facing towards the door and any others on a diagonal facing into the center of the room. They should not be placed in rows in a traditional classroom layout or back to back.
  • If the doorways of offices that face each other across a hallway are not exactly aligned, place a mirror on the front of each door.
  • If you face a partial wall or partition when entering an office, place a mirror on the partition.
  • Soften jutting walls with plants.
  • Break up dull walls with mirrors or paintings.
  • When first setting up your business premises, choose an office or work space in a prosperous neighborhood.
  • Make sure the entrance to your building or premises looks inviting rather than nondescript. You may need to make some simple cosmetic changes to achieve this effect.
  • Avoid renting premises at the end of a T intersection. If you do, research the feng shui cures that counteract the resulting negative energy flow.
  • The best site for a building is on a corner, with the entrance on a diagonal to the corner itself.
  • Use the feng shui bagua to organize the interior layout of the premises. Then use the guidelines in the next section for each individual room as well.
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