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Sunday, February 18, 2007

Will I Get A Visa/ Green Card?

Green Card/ Visa Astrology

1st house should be judged for frequent travels to abroad. In conjunction, 12th house shows permanent settlement. Hence we judge the Visa from the 1st house and Green Card and Citizenship from the 12th house. If the sub lord of 1st house is connected with 3rd, 9th and 12th house, one will surely get the visa and hence foreign travel. If it is only connected with 12th house, but not 3rd and 9th, person has to have multiple visits to the consulate. If 8th house is also involved, person will get the refusal/ rejection.

Similarly we need to judge from the 12th house for Green Card and Citizenship, other than 1st house. If the sub lord of 12th cusp is connected with 3rd, 9th, and 11th cusp, one will get the green card. If 3rd and 9th houses are not involved, s/he will get difficulty but not denial. If 8th house is also involved and 3rd and 9th are not involved, one's green card application will be denied.

Normally one goes to abroad in the period of joint significators of 3rd, 9th and 12th houses.

Also check here one very good research done by Mr. Tin Win in K P System study yahoogroup titiled "A SURVEY OF 100 CHARTS OF FOREIGN SETTLEMENT".

I would appreciate if you can share charts with foreign travels and settlements.

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Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Herb Names in English, Latin and Sanskrit Translation

Here is a good tool for translation of names of Ayurvedic herbs in English, Latin and their Sanskrit euivelent.

Please also check our new blog exclusively focussed on Ayurveda at


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