Transit 2015 Dates - Planetary Movements 2015 - Astrological Transits 2015

Author: -- | Last Updated: Wed 17 Dec 2014 10:27:24 AM

Planets change position throughout the year. Sometimes they retrograde, sometimes combust, sometimes rise, while sometimes they direct into a specific sign. But when they change their sign, the process is termed as ‘transit’. One thing which remains same every time is that no matter which transit it is, it will definitely influence the life of every human being and species. Our fate is directly proportional to these transits. Everytime a planet travels through our respective sign, it brings changes in our life. When these transits are so powerful and own the ability to change our luck, why not have a prior knowledge of each transit? Won’t it be great if you are aware of the dates of each transit before it actually takes place? Well, it is worth it. To help you tackle every transit with success, we have come up with transit dates for 2015, where you will find the date of each planetary movement in the year.


Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Rahu, and Ketu; all these nine planets undergo transition and affect every aspect of our life in one or the other way. With the help of transit 2015 dates, you can plan your do’s & don’ts of each transit.

In the end, we would like to tell you that you can get access to our transit horoscopes by clicking on that particular transit date link. Change your life for good with just a single click. Have a nice time ahead!

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