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Monday, August 04, 2008

Lal Kitab Remedies & E-Book

In the last post, I talked about the Jadis for graha shanti. In my experience, like jadis, Lal Kitab remedies are also the fastest and most cost effective method for astrological remedies. Sometimes Lal Kitab remedies are also referred as 'Lal Kitab ke Totke' because of the nature and simplicity of the remedies. The remedies are as simple as keeping sometime at home or flowing something in running water. There are remedies for planet in each house. There is a book available on which talks about remedies of planet in each house, check it our here -
Book of Lal Kitab Remedies

This book is just to give you some idea of the remedies available in Lal Kitab. Though it is highly recommended to consult some good Lal Kitab astrologer before selecting remedies. Like gemstones, caution should be used while performing Lal Kitab remedies, as those remedies can backfire.

There are some remedies that author suggests can be done by everybody without the fear of backfire. These remedies are for general well being and tabulated in the section called "Remedies Applicable to All." Please check it as well.

Related Posts:
Which Lal Kitab Book?
What you need to learn Lal Kitab
Download Lal Kitab
Gemstone & Remedies

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Sunday, March 18, 2007

Foundation Text of Indian Palmistry

Somebody asked me what is the first and the original text of Indian Palmistry the way you have "Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra" for Indian Astrology. Truly speaking, I was not aware of it so I didn't have instant answer. Most of the recent books that we see is from Western Authors and Cheiro seems the first person promoting that. But like other branches, Indian Palmistry is not a new one. The Western Palmistry is also called Chiromancy or cheiromancy. But what about Indian Palmistry? I did a googling and found this -

Palmistry in India has a history going back thousands of years. It is also known as hasta rekha. There are more than one major systems in use based on ancient writings. The most popular school is known as samudrika sastra, based on the writings of Samudra. A popular school in the south of India is sariraka sastra based on the writings of Kartikeya. This system is also known as skanda system.

Followers of sariraka sastra claim that this system is the oldest and most authentic, and that samudrika sastra has been diluted and simplified from the original teachings. Sariraka sastra places great emphasis on the rekhas or the lines on the palm. Up to 153 are recognized. In addition, the life line, or the atma rekha or rohini, is read from the base of the palm moving upwards.

As I have a background from Lal Kitab, I was surprised to know that the Lal Kitab is one of the best books on Indian Palmistry and must be studies by every Palmistry student. Also, this is the only book I know which establishes an excellent link between Astrology and Palmistry.

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