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Pratik Pandey Astrology

Astrologically Deepawali is going to be different this year. Venus, Moon and Sun will be in Swati nakshatra this Diwali and this is one of very rare c ...

Pratik Pandey Astrology

However, we are talking about Shani Pushya Yoga here and not the Puashya Nakshatra. This year, a week before diwali on October 30, 2010, there is comp ...

Pt. Dayanand Shastri Astrology

Diwali or Deepavali is popularly known as the festival of lights all over the world. The name Diwali is itself a contraction of the word Deepavali, wh ...

S N Rao Astrology

The dasha system used most commonly is called the Vimshottari Daha System. The dashas are the planetary cycles of a life based on the placement of the ...

Alok Astrology

The planet Saturn is called Shanaiswara in Vedic astrology. In Sanskrit Shanaiswara comes from SANISCHARA, which mean, “slow mover”. In Vedic astrolog ...

Suchitra Das Astrology

It is often seen that many talented boys and girls after successful completion of their educational career do not get a proper job placement and have ...

Suchitra Das Astrology

It is often seen that many talented boys and girls after successful completion of their educational career do not get a proper job placement and have ...

Priyanka Misc

As per Samudrik Shastra or the science of Samudrik, nails are very important part of body. The color and shape of nails determine one's nature and cha ...

Pratik Pandey Astrology

New year 2011 is about to come in a few months. According to Chinese horoscope 2011, this year is the year of white rabbit or metal rabbit. The animal ...

Suchitra Das Astrology

I am going to discuss the basic principles of Nadi system in regard to professional matter with illustration and case study. The principles of Nadi sy ...

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