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Amalaki Ekadasi 2017 - Amalaki Ekadashi

Author: Pratik Pandey | Last Updated: Mon 30 Jan 2017 4:23:11 PM

Observing the day of Amalaki Ekadashi is considered to be very auspicious and a divine protection is being achieved. This year, the day will be celebrated on 8th March 2017. On this day, Lord Vishnu and Amla tree are worshipped. If someone observes a vow on Amalaki Ekadashi, then his wishes are likely to come true. If you want to know more about this day, read on…

Legend Behind Amalaki Ekadashi

There was a king named ‘Chitrasen’ in ancient time. There was a quite good significance of Ekadashi fast in his kingdom. The king had good faith on Amalaki-Ekadashi. People also used to keep fast on Ekadashi in his kingdom.

One day, the king went into the dense forest. Suddenly some demons of forest ambushed him. Demons attacked king with their fatal weapons but to no avail. Not a single weapon could hurt the king due to the boon and grace of the God and all weapons got modified into flowers.

Because demons were large in numbers and they abused king physically, thus the king fainted. Suddenly a divine power appeared from the body of king and assassinated all demons.

He was surprised when he gained his conscious and found all demons dead. He wondered who had killed them. Suddenly a revelation broke out and said- Oh King! These all demons have been killed due to your faith in Amalaki Ekadashi fast. The supernatural power of Amalaki Ekadashi that originated from your body had destroyed all demons. The power had gone back into your body after killing all demons.

Listening to this king became very happy and he narrated the significance of Ekadashi fast to everyone. he narrated the significance of Ekadashi fast to everyone.

Rituals Of Amalaki Ekadashi

Person who is observing Ekadashi fast, after refreshing himself should offer water to Amla tree. The Amla tree should be worshiped with incense, sandalwood, roli, flowers etc. followed by an offering of meal to Brahmins underneath the Amla tree.

This was all about Amalaki Ekadashi. Observe Amalaki Ekadashi and get bestowed by Lord Vishnu’s eternal grace.

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