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How to assess luck in property matters?

Author: Suchitra Das | Last Updated: Thu 17 Jun 2010 10:43:48 PM

Suchitra Das

Everybody, whether financially affluent or poor has an innate desire to have a shelter of his own in this mighty world where he or she can leave a peaceful life. Shelter may be in the form of a big farmhouse, bungalow, apartment, flat or a thatched house, the variation depends solely on the luck factor, which is graphed by the Almighty God on the basis of our past deeds (karma). The house is amongst the three basic needs of a man, which comprises food, cloth and shelter. A great writer after wrapping up the tour of entire world had concluded with this small sentence “that the house is always best at the end” in his book.

In Vedic Astrology, the fourth house denotes the property matters amongst many other significations. If there is no mooltrikona sign in fourth house, then we consider lord of the second house as the prime significator of property matters of an individual nativity. If there is no mooltrikona sign even in second house, then we consider the lord of the eleventh house as the prime significator of property matters. According to the above theory, I delineate below the prime determinant of property in respect of each individual rising sign.

Ascendant Prime Determinant
Aries Moon
Taurus The Sun
Gemini Mercury
Cancer Venus
Leo Mercury
Virgo Jupiter
Libra The Sun
Scorpio Saturn
Sagittarius Venus
Capricorn Mars
Aquarius Jupiter
Pisces Mars

Apart from the prime determinant, the role of Mars and Venus are equally important. The Mars is the natural significator of landed property whereas, the Venus is the natural significator of a beautiful house thereon. The Venus is the planet of beauty, planning, architecture and wealth. Even if you have landed property, you cannot build a beautiful house thereon without the support of an auspicious and powerful Venus. Many people have landed property but not a good house, assume why!

Assessing the planetary promises for having a good house property is a tricky and complicated job on the part of an astrologer. The strength of all the significator planets has to assess both in natal chart as well as in the respective sub divisional charts vis-à-vis running of period and sub-period of favourable planets, transit result including Asthakavarga chart.

Many people may have a palatial house but may not find peace in it. If the fourth house along with Moon stands to be weak or afflicted in the chart of an individual, absence of mental peace is the likely outcome.

The hostility of neighbours or a bad neighbour is also equally a nagging factor, which may even thrash one for unnecessary litigation and harassment for nothing. In the absence of a strong third house (the house for neighbours amongst many other significations) and sixth house (the house of enemies, litigation, etc. amongst many other significations) is the reason for such an unwanted situation. The affliction to the third or sixth house has the potential to create the similar disturbance to us in our life.

An astrologer’s duty is thoroughly assess all the astrological factors while assessing the luck of a person as far as property matter is concerned and rectify the weak and evil planetary affects though exact selection of astral remedies. The role of Vastu is equally important.

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