Author: Suchitra Das | Last Updated: Wed 25 May 2011 12:38:33 PM
By Suchitra Das
The scams with regard to allotment of telecom spectrum and financial irregularities in recently concluded Commonwealth Games, 2010 involving high Government officials have become hot news along the length and breadth of the country. Simultaneously, demands from the cross sections of the people especially the social-groups are gaining momentum to bring back the money to the inland allegedly stacked by the unscrupulous and dishonest elements in the foreign banks. Interestingly enough, these scams allegedly involve elements at the high places of the Government machineries and misuse of power by them for their narrow selfish interest ignoring the interest of the common people. This is the reason perhaps why the Government is at a crossroad and unnerved. If these vast sums of money allegedly stacked in foreign banks can be brought back to the country, these can be put into use for the purpose of national development as well as upliftment of the financial plights of the common people who are always deprived lots.
Natal Horoscope
According to the planetary positions on the day of independence of India on 14/15-08-1947 midnight in New Delhi, the Ascendant of the Natal Horoscope of India is Taurus falling under Rahu – Ketu axis, 2nd house is occupied by Mars (7th & 12th lord), 3rd house is occupied by Moon (3rd lord), Venus (6th & Ascendant Lord), Mercury (2nd & 5th lord), Sun (4th lord) & by Yoga Karaka Saturn (9th & 10th lord), 6th house is occupied by 8th & 11th lord Jupiter and 7th house is occupied by Ketu. The 3rd house represents communication and sports. There is large number of concentration of planets in the 3rd house making the house a weighty in nature amongst the other houses of the horoscope. The 3rd lord Moon though in its own house but weak in Pakshbala being too nearer to the Sun. However, it is in Pushya Nakshtra, which is considered to be good. The positive side of it, the India has made meaningful progress in all spheres of communication like telephony, road, rail and air besides in sports since independence. The presence of Mercury who is the natural significator of telecommunication and media along with royal planet Sun and corporate planet Venus has added further weight in this direction. I may be mistaken, but my perception is that the mobile phones have reached every nook and corner of the country and have become a common item of almost every household in India like utensils shorter than a decade time. I astrologically reason it out to the strength of the third house of the natal horoscope of India and growing strength of Mercury in Natal, Navamsha and Dashamsha charts. The significator planet for sports is Mars who is in 2nd house of the Natal Horoscope, which is 12th from 3rd house and aspected by Jupiter from the 6th house of controversies, disputes and litigations.
Navamsha (D-9 Chart)
In Navamsha (D-9 Chart), the 3rd lord Moon of the Natal Horoscope is in the 6th house of controversies and litigations along Rahu – Ketu axis. The 3rd house of Navamsha is Taurus and is occupied by Jupiter (1st & 10th lord) and aspected by Mercury from 9th house (the most powerful trine house) whereas the 3rd lord Venus is in the 11th house of gain along with its sign dispositor Saturn in Capricorn. The Mercury and the 3rd lord Venus is in 3/11 position whereas Mars and 3rd lord in 2/12 position, which is indicative of strong position for communication and not so humble for sports.
Dashamsha (D-10)
Here also the 3rd house is Taurus with its lord Venus is in the 8th house of scandals aspected by Moon and the natural benefic Jupiter, which is a matter of great solace. Mercury, the planet for communication is again well placed here in 5th house without any malefic aspect. Moreover, the Mercury is also in mutual Kendra (quadrant) with 3rd lord Venus. On the contrary, Mars, the significator planet for sports is in the 6th house of controversies and litigation along Rahu – Ketu axis and that, too, without any benefic aspect.
Vimshottari Dasha
The present Dasha (main period) is of Sun, the 4th lord. The Sun is in the constellation of Mercury who is well placed in Navamsha and Dashamsha charts. In turn, Mercury is occupying the Nakshtra of Yoga Karaka Saturn who is also friendly to him. The Sun is conjoined by two natural benefics Venus and Mercury as well as having malefic conjunction of Saturn (natural malefic) and Moon who has turned itself into a malefic due to its close proximity with Sun. The Sun along with all the remaining planets in the 3rd house is aspecting the 9th house of luck, fortune, which also include leaders and people at the high echelons who otherwise command respect of the society by being in the high positions. The Dasha lord, Sun, is well placed in Jupitarian signs both in Navamsha and Dashamsha. The sub period is of Rahu who is deposited in the sign of Mars and Mars in turn is in the constellation of Rahu. In Navamsha and Dashamsha, Rahu is in 12th houses in sign Aquarius ruled by Saturn. As such, Rahu who himself being a malefic again having repeated influences of another two malefics, Saturn and Mars cannot be considered to be favourable at all. The sub period of Rahu would be succeeded over by the sub period of Jupiter who is 8th lord (scandal) is in 6th house in the natal horoscope indicating litigation and controversies. Jupiter is posited in the 3rd house in Navamsha establishing its linkage with communication and sports. Therefore, the on going controversies and litigation in these two sectors are likely to continue prolonged.
However, the strong position of Mercury, the natural significator for telecommunication indicates towards a honourable settlement of the controversies and disputes in this sector in the times to come. However, the bad position of Mars does not indicate alike for the sports related scams as in the case of telecommunication because of the strong position of Mercury.
The Saturn in its transit is now retrograde in sign Virgo and aspecting the Natal Jupiter (8th lord – scandal/machination) and 6th house (scandal, litigation, disputes, etc.), the 10th house of profession/dignity, Ascendant (self), natal Rahu (scams), Ketu (intrigues) and Mars (sports). The aspects are from Virgo as well as from the previous house Leo. The Jupiter has have its ingress just in the sign of Aries, which is the 12th house of jail of the Natal Chart and aspecting its own natal position in the 6th house of litigation, controversies and disputes besides the 8th house of scams and scandals.
The article is solely aimed at astrological academic purpose only and no other inference anything beyond astrology should be drawn out of it.
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