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Astrological synchronizing of education with jobs : Part 1

Author: Suchitra Das | Last Updated: Tue 19 Oct 2010 1:36:03 PM

Suchitra Das

It is often seen that many talented boys and girls after successful completion of their educational career do not get a proper job placement and have to satisfy themselves with the routine nature of jobs like that of a clerk, stenographer, primary school teacher, receptionist and so on. Whereas, on the contrary, it can be seen that many mediocres with average educational backgrounds finding job of exceptionally high in order even from the same social and economical stratum. In such a situation, we ordinarily attribute it to one’s luck just to get solace. But, I astrologically believe that such a situation can be averted to a large extent depending on individuals’ planetary promises through proper and timely astrological counselling under an expert astrologer. Many people adopt such recourse timely and they are the satisfied lot. Educational and Professional career counselling is a challenging and tricky job for an astrologer and this should be done only under an expert astrologer having expertise in the subject.

Astrologically, the success in education is normally seen from the strength of the Buddhi Karaka (intelligence giving) planets like Mercury for intelligence, Moon for mind, Jupiter for wisdom and to some extent Venus and Rahu for creative intelligence and maneouvering ability, respectively. The houses of a natal chart coming under considerations are the houses fourth (the house for formal education), fifth (the house for wisdom, knowledge and intuition), ninth (the house for higher learning), second (the house for specialization) and to some extent eighth (the house for research and analysis). Among these houses, the house/houses of the natal chart containing the Mooltrikona sign/signs would prevail the most.

The Varga Chart Chaturvimsamsha (D-24 chart) has the equally important significance for assessing the educational prospect. The Asthakavarga (AV) points contributed by the planets placed in the above houses, if any, in the natal chart also keep equally important significance along with total number of AV points levied by the relevant houses in the SAV chart which should not normally be below 30 in each cases for fructification of the desired result of the significations represented by the individual houses. The running of adverse planetary periods and transit often lands up one in a wrong position inspite of having huge positive planetary promises and favourable Yogas embedded in the Natal Chart. 

As already emphasized, the selection of the line of education by fine-tuning it with most appropriate planetary promises for vocational matter, which differ with individual-to-individual cases in a contrasting manner, is a most tricky and challenging job for an astrologer. In the modern context, an astrologer besides being honest should be a person of vast knowledge, wisdom, piercing intellect as well as keeping himself abreast with latest developments to enable him to effectively serve the humanity astrologically in the complex scenario.


A promising and successful professional career is everybody’s dream.  But, it is coming true in some cases and denied in many instances. The running of unfavourable planetary periods between our age around 16 & 50 years have the potential to upset our professional career. Astrologically, the success in professional field is primarily attributed to the planet Saturn, who is the natural significator of labour and services. The houses of a Natal Chart involved are tenth, second or Ascendant having a Mooltrikona sign.  The strength of Saturn along with strength of the lord of any of the above houses having a Mooltrikona sign and other planetary interactions decide the level of affluence in professional matter. The primary planet for job and services is Saturn, whereas for business the planets are Mercury and Venus. The houses involved are 6th for jobs and services whereas for business it is the 7th house of a natal chart. Similarly, the analysis of Dasamasa Chart (D-10) along with SAV in a meaningful and objective manner can only reveal the macro planetary promises for professional matter, which in turn can effectively help one to select the appropriate course of study leading to a successful professional career.

The planets like Jupiter and Mercury primarily signify the success in educational pursuit and the houses involved are fourth, fifth, ninth and second of a natal chart. In a sharp contrast to this, the primary planet for job and services is Saturn and the house involved is either 10th / 2nd / Ascendant having a Mooltrikona sign. It is not essential that the significator planets for education as well as for job and services would be equally strong in a Natal Chart. The planetary promises in the divisional charts concerned are also not likely to be equally fortified. Moreover, a nativity may run favourable planetary period during the span of student life and an unfavourable period during the span of service life. There are several astrological reasons for such unevenness and mismatches. But, one thing is for sure that since Saturn is the planet for perseverance, he is duty bound to reward a nativity for efforts made in studies even at later stage of professional career. The educational pursuits besides intelligence also require perseverance and labour which is an indirect propitiation for Saturn, the natural significator for jobs and services and in such cases even a weak Saturn reward the nativity professionally at a later stage of one’s life to the extent possible by keeping himself aloof from causing hindrance in promotion and upliftment process.

 I have through my case studies have found that since the 2nd house for educational matter signifies studying in the field of specialization and 2nd house also stand for professional matter in absence of a MT sign in 10th house, a person after completing specialization in a given field normally finds job in the field of his specialization in case the 2nd house emerging as the house for profession in a natal chart, too.
We will discuss about some case studies regarding this matter in next part.

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