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Indian Astrology: Planets & You

Author: Suchitra Das | Last Updated: Wed 24 Aug 2011 11:45:30 AM

astrology, planets

By Suchitra Das

Planets are of foremost important celestial objects for astrological studies and predictions. Astrology without planets is an absurd proposition. Hindu Astrology attaches importance to nine planets of which seven are bracketed in Category ‘A’ and remaining two in Category ‘B’. Planets in Category ‘A’ are the Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn and those in Category ‘B’ are Rahu and Ketu. Out of the nine planets, seven planets have been given rulership of the 12 signs in Parashari Pratha. However, in Jaimini Pratha, Rahu and Ketu have also been given co-ownership of Aquarius and Scorpio, respectively.

Planets enjoying the privilege of having the tag of natural benefic are (a) Jupiter (b) Venus (c) a waxing Moon, and (d) Mercury. The remaining five planets are natural malefic planets. Amongst the four natural benefic planets, the Moon and Mercury are further considered to be feeble benefic as they cannot give benefic result without sufficient push and pull by other planets. Jupiter and Venus are also conditional benefics. Jupiter and Venus become highly malefic if they happen to become the owner of a Quadrant (Kendra) house and placed in a Kendra (Quadrant) other than their own. This is called Kendradipathi Dosha. Jupiter and Venus in such a condition give evil result especially, during their Dasha and Antar Dasha (period & sub period). Therefore, prima-facie, the planetary malefic weightage are on the much higher side in the range of 80% to 90% in human life. This is the reason as to why the human life keeps on moving in the struggle for attainment of goals.

Sthan-Kaal-Patra’ (situation-era-individual is the rough English rendering) is an important concept to understand in Hindu Astrology. In our past time, planetary combination indicating ‘exile’ was looked upon as one of the worst time in anybody’s lifetime whereas in the modern parlance the same planetary combination indicating ‘exile’ is derived for a pleasure foreign trip, residence abroad, etc., all favourable and positive attributes now. I have seen about 90% of my visitors who seek astrological advise from me invariably asked me whether they have or their children have the chance of going abroad (which means going exile in the past days). Similarly, the planets, which are considered malefic, have great contributions in shaping our life in the changed modern scenario. Believe me or not, the blessing of malefic planets are absolutely essential for becoming a famous doctor or physician, engineer or scientist, or for that matter a famous political leader or TV anchor, film star, model etc. It would be befitting on our part if we start calling these malefic planets as ‘technical planets’ as far as when education and professional career come into consideration for astrological deliberation. In rest of my article, I would call these malefic planets as ‘technical planets’.

The main two pure technical planets are Mars and Saturn. You cannot become an engineer or scientist or a surgeon without their blessing. The associated technical planets are Sun, Rahu and Ketu. Besides, all retrograde and debilitated planets which include your Jupiter, Venus, Moon (when debilitated or afflicted) & Mercury also behave as technical planets. The degree of elevation in the educational as well in the professional field is directly proportionate to the strength of these planets in the individual horoscope and divisional charts. A well placed Mars, which is capable of making a person a big brass in the Army, or a famous scientist or engineer can also produce a soldier or a mechanic if weak by strength.

Every planet is significator of certain attributes in our life, which briefly are as under:



Areas governed


The Sun

Health, Father, Fortune, Self-Confidence & Self-Respect, Dignity, Political Science, Physics, Mathematics, Medicines, etc.


The Moon

Purity of Mind, Mother, memory retentive capacity, Humanities, Chemistry, etc.



Courage, raw energy, younger siblings, land, law, administration, engineering mathematics, engineering, surgeon, dentist, etc.



Education, Level of Intelligence, Mathematics, Accountancy, PR, Communication Engineering, etc.



Knowledge & Wisdom, Saner Sense, Husband, Preceptor, Judiciary, Advisor, Minister, Management, History, Biology, etc.



Beauty, Intelligence, Model, Cine Artists, Music, Dance, Drama, Hotel, Tourism, Architecture, Botany, Computer Graphics & Animation, female folk, etc.



Servant, Engineering, Lawyers, mass leaders, mechanical work, mining, drilling, digging, coal, etc.



Research work, Aviation, Pilot, Airhostess, Space, Driver, Aeronautical Engineering, Model, maneuvering ability, etc.



Language, computer language & Programming, Meteorology, Mathematics, undiagnosed diseases, Microbiology, etc.

A planet whether technical, semi-technical or non-technical produce result according to their placement, conjunction, association, aspects received and the Nakshtra to which it is placed in as well its overall disposition in the divisional chart concerned. However, these technical planets, although, might have positive bearing in educational and professional pattern of a nativity in the modern changed scenario but they are not likely to produce mental pattern conducive for the society. A strong Venus when afflicted may be capable of producing a famous model or cine artist but may, simultaneously, give loose moral character to a nativity. A technical Mars may create a famous technocrat but may, simultaneously, give a hot and short temperament to the individual. In case of physicians, Moon mainly remains afflicted because they have to witness the people suffering in pain out of their diseases as part of their profession. An afflicted Moon can cause frequent mood swing, ill temperament, too. As such, because of the fear of such abnormal behavioral traits in human likely to be generated by the malefic/technical planets, our old sage did not like the influence of malefic/technical planets overriding the benefic/non-technical planets in a nativity. However, the strong aspect of Jupiter on any planetary affliction, how large it could be, has the capacity to tune down the adverse affect to large extent. This is one of the reasons as to why Jupiter enjoys the dignity of the highest title of Dev Guru.

To consult astrologer Suchitra Das, please click here - Horoscope Reading by Suchitra Das

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