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Eighth house : The house of Mystery & Transformation

Author: S N Rao | Last Updated: Fri 19 Mar 2010 11:36:56 AM

S N Rao

There are so much negative things written about the 8th house that those who are learning astrology gets brainwashed by negativity when they come across anything related to the 8th house. Many feel that this is one of the most complex houses of the horoscope as it contains complicated, important, and challenging issues that we face in life.

Eight House is Called 'Ayusthan' (Longevity) it represents death - reasons of death, diseases – unknown illness, loss of reputation & friends, debts, evil etc. But on the positive side it also provides information about our partners, benefits from them, inheritance that will be received, interest and ability for occult studies, secret and unexpected gifts, unearned wealth like windfall, underground wealth, dividends etc. In a more general sense, the 8th speaks about money that comes to us from our general dealings with others, and about the rewards that come to us from our creative self-expression. It is also the house of divorce settlements, wills, and legacies as well as the house of royalties, stock dividends, and income from any investments that we may have made.

By analyzing this house we can identify the nature of an individual’s death and many other related matters. But most importantly the 8th house has a lot to do with our psychological and spiritual abilities. By carefully studying this we can understand the personal growth of the native, his desires and complexities, the reasons for his success / destruction and his psychological evolvement.

The following positive results occur when planets are placed in the 8th house.

Sun - Financial prosperity increases after marriage, through partnerships. The native will receive inheritance from father, income from Government like pensions etc. It gives a deep interest in metaphysics, specifically in life after death and reincarnation. Fame may come after death.
Moon - Joint finances is likely to go through many fluctuations and changes. The native will inherit money, possibly from mother or from her side of the family and there will be gain through dead people or water.

Mercury - A lot of mental energy will be spent on worrying about joint finances, inheritances. There is a strong possibility for inheritance of money from a brother or sister. There will be interest and study in Metaphysical topics and abstract science including astrology.

Venus – This will give luck and opportunity to handle other people's money, joint finances. This will give inheritance of money from females. There will be financial gain through marriage and partnerships with females.

Mars – A lot of energy will be required to be spent on finances with partners. Inheritance from younger brother is likely. There can be disputes over inheritances. This can cause friction between you and your partner. This is an unfortunate position for mars to be in.

Jupiter – This is an auspicious position for Jupiter to be in. It gives benefit particularly through partnerships and marriage. It will give interest and study in religious issues, life after death, reincarnation. Death is likely to be peaceful and natural.

Saturn – This will give benefits to the native in their later part of life. This will give good results and success largely as a result of one’s own efforts. Your spouse or business partners will be more mature than you and miser. Saturn here gives a long life.

Rahu – This position increases the prospects for good health and longevity. It gives many opportunities to learn and deal with others and gain money through joint finances. It will likely to give gains through shady / underhand dealings.

Ketu - This position transforms the native and gives spiritual awakening in their life time through one’s own experiences or through involvement in joint affairs. It will make the native very spiritual and very religious. It will be difficult for common men to understand their requirements.

Bhagya saham – It provides unexpected wealth and gain through inheritances, marriage, and partnerships. It will make the native very wealthy after marriage.

A native undergoes a lot of change in his emotions, psychology, beliefs, mentality and attitude during his life time. The reasons for these changes can also be understood by the 8th house. The placement of ruler of the 8th house will show in what area / field he will undergo these changes.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 1st house: A native with this position undergoes changes after his / her marriage. He will undergo self awareness. His personality and ideology will change. His self beliefs, thinking, psychology and thinking about himself will change.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 2nd house: A native with this position will undergo changes in his attitude towards the ownerships. His material values and physiology will change after his / her marriage. He will feel vulnerable with regards to the material wealth that he accumulates and a lot of energy will be focused on this area.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 3rd house: The native will focus most of his energy on his communication skills like reading, writing and talking. He will feel desperate to change and put undue efforts on being more receptive and be proactive as far as day to day interaction is concerned.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 4th house: The native will try to understand his origins and the roots of his family tradition. He will put extra efforts in understanding his traditions, home, heritage and foundations. He will need privacy and will not like intrusions on his homely affairs.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 5th house: The native will feel the need to be creative and express his desires. The extra effort put in the areas is because of requirement of pleasure, recreation and fun. It will also give the desire to be involved in risky activities like speculation, adventure and mostly to seek public attention.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 6th house: The native will feel the need to make adjustments and serve others. They wish to be of help to others and try to make extra efforts in that direction. They take extra precautionary measures to be healthy and have employment. They feel the need to keep small pets and are likely to be involved in social service.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 7th house: The desire to be involved in a partnership is the topmost priority for this native. They would like to hold hands with a partner for all activities and it is difficult for them to be alone. They make extra efforts in understanding the requirements of the partner and take extra efforts in maintaining the relationships.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 8th house: This will give magical and mysterious transformation to an individual in his beliefs. Some unknown, unexplainable circumstances and experiences for the native will bring about unusual transformation to the native. This position can also give spiritual experience to the native

Ruler of the 8th house in the 9th house: This will provide the native opportunities to the native to expand his abilities in areas which are far and away.  He will be involved in bigger and broader issues which are concerning the mankind in general. He will expand his ideologies and network and be more famous than his father.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 10th house: The native will be constantly worried about his profession. He will feel confused and will try to put a lot of effort to identify his true vocation. He will be engrossed about his achievements and his reputation in the society.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 11th house:  The native will be worried about the friend circle. There will be a need to connect with people. He will build castles in the air with high hopes and dreams.

Ruler of the 8th house in the 12th house: The native will surpass his own standards. There will be a need to be free and independent. He will like to be solitary. There will be a dislike to the old habits, old behavior and customs.

To consult astrologer S N Rao, Please click here
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