After Australia having disastrous test series they try to hard have come back in T20 and ODIs. They won first t20 with a good margin. Today will be the second T20 match at 13:30 GMT. I would like to forecast the outcome of this game through horary astrology.
Sub lords of 6 and 11 houses are important and they should be strongly connected with 1, 6, 10 and 11 houses. The star and subs transited by Moon during the match are also important.
The following is the map for KP horary number 169 in favor of England.
Here sub lord of the 6th house is Venus. She is in 10th house in Moon star and own sub. Moon is in 7th house hence Venus is strongly connected with 7th house at star and sub level. This is negative for England. Further Moon will be transiting in the star of Rahu and Jupiter. It seems to me that stars are in favor of Australia. Good Luck to both the teams.
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