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How to find the direction of your future spouse?

Author: Ramhari Sharma | Last Updated: Tue 20 Apr 2010 3:46:53 PM

By Acharya Ram Hari Sharma
In every individual’s life, marriage plays a very vital role. It is the pious day on which you vow to live your life in harmony with your life partner and love them till death parts you. When the time comes and our kids grow into beautiful adults, we start looking for their spouses who would be there for them for the rest of their lives, long after we are gone.

Particularly, in the case of a girl, parents grow over cautious while looking for their prince charming as their little princess cannot be married to anyone. They try and find out all that they can about their would be son-in-law. What kind of a person he is? Which family he belongs to? What does he do? Also, which direction will he be from? Is he compatible? How will the marriage be? Well, the questions are endless, bur fortunately with the help of astrology if not all, then definitely most of them can be answered and that too very accurately!

Today, we will discuss about how to find out the direction from which your spouse will belong to. The direction of the spouse’s village / town / city can be ascertained by the knowledge of directions ruled by planets and zodiac signs. Following points will give a clear picture on this subject.

The direction ruled by planets and zodiac signs are as follows:
• Sun (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius) East
• Moon North West
• Mars (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn) South
• Mercury (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces) North
• Jupiter North East
• Venus South East
• Saturn (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius) West
• Rahu South West

We can find out the direction of spouse by following points in horoscope:

1. In the direction of planet placed in 7th house
2. In the direction of planet who see the 7th house
3. In the direction of 7th lord
4. In the direction of 7th lord from Venus

The strongest planet among above given four point will be the signifier of ascertaining the direction of spouse’s village/ house

Now let’s discuss the point on the basis of Rashi / signs:

1. Direction of The rashi / navamansha rashi in which strongest planet is posited in 7th house.
2. Direction of The rashi or navmansha rashi of planet who sees the 7th house.
3. In direction of rashi of 7th house
4. Direction of Navmansha rashi of 7th lord.

Lets an example to understand the above points, given below is the Janam Kundali and Navmansh Kundali of a native:

As per the birth chart, Jupiter and Saturn are posited in 7th house. Therefore, the direction of Jupiter is North East and Saturn direction is west. The direction of 7th house’s rashi Libra is west. Rahu is aspecting the 7th house, so the direction of rahu is west south.

In Navmansh chart, the direction of 7th house’s rashi Gemini is also west. Here Rahu and Saturn aspecting the 7th house, direction of Saturn is west. The Saturn who is aspecting the 7th is placed in Libra which shows the west direction again so we can conclude that the west direction is coming most of the time in both Janam Kundali as well as Navmansh kunadli. This native was married from west direction. Hence we can find out the direction of spouse’s House easily by the help of Vedic astrology.

In the next article I shall discuss about the distance of spouse’s house from the native’s house.
To consult Acharya Ram Hari Sharma, please click here.
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