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Free Birth Chart

Astrology is as old as Vedas and its main tool is Birth chart or Natal chart. It depicts the position of planets placed astronomically. The birth chart is the graphical representation of planets at the time of child's birth. The true motive of Astrology is to narrate the "Message of Star" reflecting in birth chart. It is useful in order to interpret various factors and circumstances in life.

The whole world is running according to a well defined plan. Birth chart reveals the cause and effects of the events happening in one's life. The reading of your birth chart can also reveal the strength and weakness of your soul and draw a graph of your personal growth. It can provide you the best time to take the next suitable step into your life.

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Birth chart depicts the overall lifespan of an individual. It is classified among 12 houses. These 12 houses have its own significance which tells about different areas of life. In actual, everything can be found in the birth chart if read wisely by an astrologer. Let's understand how these 12 houses are ruling our life-:

  1. First House: It represents you, your inner world and physical stature.
  2. Second House : It represents wealth, finances and family.
  3. Third house: It represents communication, skills and siblings.
  4. Fourth House : It represents land and property.
  5. Fifth House : It represents education, knowledge, fun and creative side.
  6. Sixth House: It represents debt, diseases and enemies.
  7. Seventh House : It represents marriage and spouses characteristics. It also shows the relationship with other person.
  8. Eighth House : It represents longevity of the person.
  9. Ninth House : It represents our beliefs, higher learning and education.
  10. Tenth House : It represents the career and profession.
  11. Eleventh house : It represents income and gains
  12. Twelfth House : It is the house of expenditure.

Importance of Birth Chart or Natal Chart

  1. Astrological birth chart can be used for marriage purposes. Kundli Milan or horoscope matching is an important aspect in Hinduism before getting hitched in order to chalk out favorable guna milan.
  2. Likewise, annual forecasting (next 12 months report) through Birth chart maps out the next 12 months and events happening around it.
  3. It can guide you regarding your health, diet and how to groom yourself in the area you have expertise in.
  4. Birth chart can help you with investments, wealth management and finances.
  5. Birth chart will help you to recover your loan, diseases and enemies through proper planning.
  6. It provides you the information regarding kuja dosha at the time of marriage.
  7. Birth Chart can provide you the information regarding your career and profession and area of specialization suiting you in order to get success and achievement.

Details required to make the Natal chart

You need the exact date, time and place of birth in order to get correct details of your birth chart. An astrologer at Astrocamp creates the birth chart of a person based on these three details.

Natal Chart, as explained by ancient sages, is based on karma. It is important for an astrologer to interpret from the chart,

  • The circumstances under which one is placed
  • His normal expectations
  • What attempts one should make to prosper in the area of achievement
  • Nature of the result
  • The time of event

The knowledge of an astrologer or interpreter will be limited if he would not be aware about the theory of Karma or past life deeds.

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