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Know about Gaj-Kesari & Sakata Yoga in birth chart

Author: Srejal Agrawal | Last Updated: Sat 10 Apr 2010 9:11:18 PM

Sreajal Agrawal

I have mentioned about Raj Yoga earlier. As you know that the term “yoga” means “combination”.  Vedic astrology talks about numerous planetary combinations which can be either auspicious and beneficial or inauspicious and harmful for the native.

There are two another yogas, which are so common and important.These are- Gaj Kesari and Sakata Yoga


When Jupiter is in a quadrant position (first, fourth, seventh or tenth house) to Moon, it means the native is having “gaj-kesari yoga”. “Gaj” means elephant and “Kesari” means lion. This means the native has the qualities of an elephant, that is, intelligence and magnanimousness and those of the lion, that is magnetism and influence. People are generally in awe of this native and he is capable of influencing them to a large extent. The person has an innate need as well capability of thinking about large-term welfare. By virtue of his innate qualities of intelligence and generosity, he is always looked up to in the society.


When moon and Jupiter are at sixth, eighth or twelfth position from each other, then this yoga is formed. This is a difficult yoga which denies wealth to the native. The native works very hard to earn money and even it comes to the native, it does not remain with him for long. This yoga, as all other yogas, is also related to the past life acts and omissions. It is often said and believed that a person who has abused other people financially in the previous birth is victimized of this yoga in the next birth. This might sound scary but every  yoga has a remedy. Whatever the remedy could be, like fasting or mantras, the basic underlying principle is the “intention”. If the person does any remedy after genuinely repenting and asks the cosmic ruler the forgiveness, this yoga can be managed.


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