Author: Punit Pandey | Last Updated: Wed 1 Mar 2017 5:15:12 PM
Agajānana padmārkam gajānanam aharniśam
anēka dam tam bhaktānām ēkadantam upāsmahē
Meaning: Seeing the elephant-faced Ganesha all the time, Goddess Parvati's face lighted up, just like how a lotus opens up seeing the sun and I meditate upon the Lord with single tusk, the giver of many boons to the devotees.
This sloka shows the beautiful relation between mother and a child or between Maya and its creation. He is the essence of Tapas Shakthi of Maa Parvathi the daughter of the Parvatha Raja. Lord Ganesha the remover of Vighna (Obstacles) is also called Vighneshwara. He is the deity which everyone should pray before starting any activity.
We all know that Lord Ganesha was created by Goddess Parvati as a small boy and later he was beheaded by Lord Shiva. The head of an Asura named Gajasura was attached to the trunk of the dead boy and restored his life again. That’s why he was called as “Gajanana”.
With progressing age, Ganpati became huge bodied and pot bellied and got a comic appearance. But in fact he was adored by many Devtas for his supreme intelligence and wit. Later, he was offered the position of “Vighnadhipati” that means owner for obstacles. Through worshipping him one can have no obstacles in his/her activities or attempts. Since then he was offered the first prayer in all solemn activities or Pujas or any Vedic karthus.
He was offered this position on Bhadrapada Shukla Chaturthi i.e. the 4th lunar day of the month of Bhadrapada. This day is called as Ganesh Chaturthi in North India and as Vinayak Chaturthi in South India. On this day, we all have to listen to the origin and story of Lord Ganesha to avoid the curse of Maa Parvati. People all over India will pray to Lord Ganesha for success in all aspects of life.
Unlike other Gods or Goddesses, Lord Ganesha has a very attractive appearance and he is like a good friend than a God. He will be happy with petty offerings (alpa santoshi) only and will give great boons to us.
As per this subject there are 32 forms of Ganpati among them only two are popular with us. They are Varada Ganapati and Lakshmi Ganapati. There are specific purposes for the worship of a particular Ganapati form. These tantras are vigorously developed and practiced by Buddhas. But for Grihastha or people leading family life the above two forms are enough and always simple worship is preferable.
Guruji Sri K.S.Krishnamurthi is ardent devotee to Sri Ucchishta Ganapati. He was initiated by Jagadguru Sri Chandrasekharendra saraswathi swamy. With His blessings, he became the renowned astrologer and invented K.P. which is beyond doubt a marvel in predictive astrology.
If we worship Lord Ganesha on this auspicious day with leaves, grass, laddus and other sweets then we can have noble thoughts and success in our enterprises.
This day is in the 4th day in the bright half of the month Bhadrapada. In India, the months are named purely on Astronomy not like the westerners who name them after the mythological stories. For instance the month Chaitra is named during the month when the full moon was farmed in the star of Chithra star i.e. when Moon is in Chithra and it is a full moon day. Similarly all months are named basing on the constellation in which the moon during the full moon day.
Bhadrapada is the month when moon is in Purvabhadra star during the full moon day. The fourth tithi or lunar day called Shukla chathurthi is when Moon will be in “Hastha star”. On this day after sunrise within two hours we can have Hastha star in the eastern horizon. In ancient days all parva dinas are taken when auspicious stars rise just before or after sun rise. Hastha means the hand as time progressed this became “Hasthi” which means elephant in Sanskrit that’s why Lord Ganesha is with Elephant head, this is one school of thought.
Sometimes, festivals are also celebrated when these auspicious stars are setting just before or after sun setting. For instance, in Assam there was a tradition to celebrate Ganesh puja on the 4th day of Chaitra masa when the same Hastha star set in the evening.
Krithika is a deadly fiery star as the Adhi Devata is Agni Deva the fire god. When Sun is in this star we have heavy temperature on earth and life becomes very tough. Hence when this fiery star rise in the east that time is called as “Karthari” and all works which have be performed outside the house are void as the venomous heat can take the life. This is the secret behind “Karthari” in Muhurtha sastra.
As per Jaimini Maharshi worship of Lord Ganesha will give relief from maladies related to Ketu. The problems indicated by Mars (Kuja), Saturn (shani), Ketu (Dragon’ tail) and Mercury (Budha) are all cleared by worshipping Lord Ganesha.
On this holy day one should wake up early in the morning and collect various leaves, grass, fruits, sugarcane etc. and offer them by performing puja to and Lord Ganesha idol made of clay. After puja varieties of sweets should be offered as Nivedhana. Repeat the same in the evening. The story of Lord Ganesha should be read or listened after evening puja and have the Akshath (Rice mixed in turmeric or kumkum) on the head. Then only one can see the moon otherwise one can face an ill repute for no reason.
[Note: one can follow their customs or tradition depending upon their location but puja is must for all]
Lord Ganesha bless us all with peace and prosperity.
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