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Health : What Your Moon Sign Says?

Author: Acharya Raman | Last Updated: Tue 30 Jul 2013 3:59:59 PM

health forecast, zodiac signs
By Acharya Raman
Prevention is better than Cure”. We all are very well aware of it. In astrology, Humans are divided into twelve types, which we call as sign (rashi), ascendant etc. There are further sub divisions on several other basis but these are basic. All these signs are having some peculiarities and some drawbacks with them, which is natural as a coin always has two sides. In today`s world, health has become a major concern, also a major industry. With some precautions one can avoid health risks. Let us go through the small precautions one should be aware of in general:

Aries: You should take extra sleep and if not extra, atleast natural sleep cycle should not be broken. Brain is the organ, which need utmost care. Yoga and morning walks should be part of regular life to infuse fresh air daily. Anger management classes will also be a good idea for you.

Taurus: You should not ignore even common cough and cold. You should avoid spicy foods. Throat and lungs need most care and food intake should always be slightly lesser than the hunger. You should avoid hurriedness and excitements. A regular lifestyle is necessary for you. After 50, you are highly prone to diseases.

Gemini: Nervous system and Lung related problems grab you generally. You should take care of these two things mainly. In addition, you should avoid intoxications of any type, do not fall for opposite sex easily, and eat less. Fresh air is nectar for you so always try to have it maximum.

Cancer: Being one of the emotional signs, you should be strong mentally and should not feel low about yourself. Do not exaggerate small illnesses to big ones. You should be very cautious in taking any medicines and protect yourself from cold and winters. You should eat properly cooked food and avoid heavy and fast foods. Digestive system is what you should take care of mainly.

Leo: You need to keep away from alcohol, drugs, excitement. Blood is your weak point and you should always take care in feeding yourself right diets to maintain RBC and WBC. In light fevers also you should take proper care and do not be negligible. Spicy foods are the things to be avoided.

Virgo: Any small thing around you disturbs you soon. Digestive system and mind need extra care and attention. Do not overwork and do not get disturbed by petty issues. You should run on regular basis to keep your body fit throughout your life. Kapalbhati and Ardhchakrasan will be very good for your health.

Libra: You have to take care of your Urinary tract, Liver, and Backbone. You should always drink fresh water and keep clean and colorful environment around you. Jealousy and such feelings should be kept at bay. You should talk less and avoid bragging.

Scorpio: You should be precautious about your throat and heart. You should keep away from intoxications. You are prone to get small afflictions soon so you need to be aware of it. You should maintain proper cleanliness in your toilet and be hygienic in all your daily habits.

Sagittarius: Moderate exercise and walks will give you a lot of benefit. Blood impurities need attention and you should be cautious of small accidents. You should protect yourself from horses. Also shield yourself from small cuts and wounds on your body. Lungs require attention after 50 as you are prone to vaat (air) diseases.

Capricorn: Constipation and Skin ailments are your major drawbacks. You should also keep away from excess cold. Melancholia is another problem, from which these natives suffer many times. The cure is Pranayaam, Anulom-Vilom, Kapalbhati and Surya Namaskar on regular basis.

Aquarius: All Aquarians should always take care of their eyes. Many of you have the tendency to get well sooner or you have a lifelong disease by birth. Blood impurities are also a concern for you and you should at any cost avoid mental tensions. Morning walk and exercise in an open ground will keep you healthy and fit for long.

Pisces: You should be careful about your health as you are usually not. Places where there is no cleanliness and hygiene are not for you. You should keep your body, especially your legs covered as you might catch cold. Smoking, Liquor and other intoxicants are your enemies of first grade, so you should try to avoid them. Do not drink water more than required. Also do not keep thinking and weaving your own castles of thoughts.

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