By VGR Pavan
India tour to Zimbabwe is an important one for her. Indian team will try hard to claim their superiority in international cricket. The young captain Virat Kohli is trying an acid test with youngsters. I am interested to predict the outcomes of these matches. I am using KP Horary to give these predictions.
Rule is that the sub lord of the 6th house should be strong connection with 1, 3, 6, 10 and 11 houses for victory otherwise defeat. Ascendant will reflect the favorite team and 7th house the opponent.
Today's match will start at 12:30 IST. The following the Horary map in favor of IND.
Here sub lord of the 6th house is Jupiter. He is in 5th house in Rahu star and Kethu sub. Rahu is in 9th house and Kethu is in 3rd house in Venus star. Hence Jupiter is strongly connected with 7-9 houses. This is positive for India. Moon will be transiting in Rahu star. It seems to me stars are in favor of India. Good Luck to both the teams.
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