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Indian Fiscal Budget 2011-12 : An Astrological Analysis

Author: SN Rao | Last Updated: Fri 25 Feb 2011 2:11:06 PM

By S N Rao

The General Budget will be presented to Lok Sabha on February 28. The Railway Budget and the Economic Survey will be presented to the Lower House on February 25. Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee will present the general budget on February 28. The union budget 2011-2012 is going to be one of the very crucial budgets as far as inflation, price hikes, Tax benefits are concerned.

The planetary position of 28th Feb at 5.00 pm is given below.

Some of the major Expectations of Indian Budget 2011 are listed below and lets see how they fare from the transit chart.

Budget is nothing but seeing the future before and planning according to the future. Here future is not too long it is just the particular period before next budget. So planning for a particular period should be very effective and fruitful which includes tax benefits, Fuel hikes, basic things like food and commodities.

Indian Finance minister Pranab Mukherji has hinted that the rising inflation has given a big stroke to the common populace and for this reason an Income tax rebate will be given to the populace of India. Taxpayers can expect some relief from high inflation in Budget 2011-12 as the government may raise the income tax exemption limit for individuals. - However transit Saturn is in the 3rd house in Cancer Navamsha and aspecting Jupiter adversely. Moon is placed in the 6th house which is not favorable for satisfaction. This indicates disappointment from the budget. Those looking for income-tax relief in the forthcoming Budget to fight rising food prices are likely to be disappointed.

Fiscal consolidation
Fiscal consolidation is going to be one of the major expectation of this years budget, it is nothing but reducing the fiscal deficit and accumulating the fiscal deft. As the Indian Central bank is expecting the government to lower the borrowing this year. They believe this could happen with the sale of 3G spectrum with a huge margin. – Again Transit Jupiter and Saturn is not favorable and creates a malefic situation in the 3rd and the 9th house, the house of communication. Saturn occupies Cancer Navamsha which indicates some tough measures to handle corruption. The much expected sale of 3G spectrum is likely to get delayed and would be under a lot of cloud.

Infrastructure & Major reforms
The government is keen in bringing more and more reforms in this budget. This may be achieved by planning a system which involves in infrastructure depts fund and also initiative towards deepening of corporate dept funds. These reforms surely are unpopular towards foreign investment and investors. Another expectation will be on increasing the funds towards infrastructure. The increase in infrastructure would be around 20 percent of last year’s expenditure in roads, airports, railways which was around $38 billion dollars. This expected increase would benefit not just the transport which also includes health and education which is exactly our primary concern. – Mars the karaka of infrastructure and Saturn the karaka for buildings and constructions is placed in the 12th house and the 3rd house respectively. Mars occupies Sagittarius Navamsha and is in favorable house. This placement indicates a major and long term policy and investment plans for this sector. This sector is likely to benefit in the long run. Recently introduced infrastructure bonds are likely to continue and probably the tax rebates would increase in this area.

Hike in Gold import duty
Gold import duty or import duty on metals is expected to be increased in this budget. The major reason for this expectation is despite the rise in price of gold there was a huge demand for the purchase of gold which even reached a record purchase. Sun is the karaka for gold. Sun occupies the 8th house and in Aquarius Navamsha. It receives favorable aspect from Mars and Mercury. Hence the sector is likely to benefit from this budget.

The rate at which the prices of goods, fuel, services and commodities increase is termed the inflation. This is one of the major challenges finance minister is going to face in this year’s budget. As we all know in India inflation is not inside the target as it has reached to 8.23 percent this January. As we all experienced a huge inflation last December with increase in fruits and vegetable prices. It is likely that the Minister may spend more funds to increase the production of food and commodities like vegetables, milk, egg, fruits, poultry to control the inflation. However the placement of Moon, the significator of the general population is in the 6th house and in Scorpio Navamsha. This indicates huge disappointment. This topic is likely to create an uproar and a major furore after the budget.

Tax Exemptions
This will be an obvious factor as in every budget. Every year they increase this number to some extent, but it is likely to be disappointing to the general public considering the fact the tax exemption and rebates for some other areas would be withdrawn.

Tax benefits
Tax benefits related to export sector will not be the same as last year as export sectors like software industry and those involved in exporting of computer and accessories are allowed Tax holiday on their profits. This will expire after the end of the financial year. We may expect this will be extended (1 year) to support outsourcing. Venus the karaka for computers and software is placed in the 7th house and in Aquarius Navamsha. Venus is with Sun in the Navamsha chart. This indicates favorable policy and increasing benefits for this sector.

On a whole this budget would be highly disappointing for the general public.

To consult astrologer SN Rao, please click here - Horoscope Reading by SN Rao


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