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Mamta Banerjee Jolts The Congress Again

Author: Surbhi Bhadauria | Last Updated: Mon 24 Sep 2012 6:10:17 PM

Mamta Banerjee Congress, Mamata Banerjee

Since 1993, Mamta Banerjee is giving jolts to the government. At first, she hit government in 1993 for denying her demand for sports improvement in the country. After that she stood against Congress in 1996 because of their dissolute support to CPI-M in West Bengal. She came out as a leader who wanted a ‘clean Congress’ and raised voice for good reasons.

In 1997, she finally quitted Congress and established a new party ‘All India Trinamool Congress’. This party came out as an immediate opposition to the then communist government in the state. Further in 1999, she switched to BJP-led National Democratic Alliance (NDA) government and held Ministry of Railways. After that in 2000, Ms. Mamta Banerjee along with Ajit Kumar Panja protested against hike in petroleum and withdrew their resignations without any good reason. After Tehelka expose, in early 2001, she abandoned NDA and stood back with Congress again for 2001 elections of West Bengal. This step was taken with the expectation of taking away the seat of communist government.

In 2004, she again joined NDA and handled the department of coal and mines till the Indian General Election of 20 May 2004. At that time, she had no competitor from Trinamool Congress for the seat of Parliament from West Bengal. After that, Ms. Banerjee faced many ups and downs of her political career till 2009 when she bonded with United Progressive Alliance (UPA) before the parliamentary elections of 2009. This time they won 26 seats. With this, Mamata held Railway Ministry for the second time. Since then, her graph only showed success with many political victories.

Now came a new issue again, UPA declared a Big Bang reform due to which TMC got disappointed. In order to make things well as before, TMC threatened UPA that they will withdraw their support if UPA didn’t took back the reform. They gave them 72 hrs to restore the things same as before, but UPA stood straight on their decision. Finally, in the evening of 18th September Mamata Banerjee declared that TMC has withdrawn from UPA and now will work as an independent party. And, on 21st September TMC’s ministers resigned from UPA.

Mamata Banerjee from the Eye of Astrology

Ms. Mamta Banerjee was born in Kolkata on 5th January 1955 at 7:20 am. At that time, Kritika constellation of Sun as well as supreme Dreshkaan of Narada and Capricorn ascendant of Saturn were risen. Her chart of Capricorn ascendant states that Mars is posited in the second house, the house of speech, exalted Moon is in fifth house, Ketu in sixth enemy house and in the seventh house of husband, exalted Saturn is posited forming Hansyoga. Venus is alone making a Raja Yoga in Capricorn ascendant and in twelfth house of loss, Rahu is situated with Sun and Mercury. There are approximately 103 Yogas in her chart including Hansa, Shashaka and Garuda, to name a few. She was born under the Mahadasha of Pitru Karaka Sun, which is the Lord of the house of death too. However, this Dasha ended in 1957 only. After that, on 28th November 1957, dasha of Maarkesh Moon started, which was unfavorable for her.

If a person suffers from this dasha in childhood, many odd conditions surrounds him/her for the life. She also suffered when her father expired in her childhood. However, Mamta could make a way out with the support of many favorable Raja Yogas in her chart. She became an active member of Congress in 1970 in Mahadasha of Mars. Her Rajyogas kept on taking her to the heights of success. Further, she defeated Somnath Chaterjee in 1984 Lok Sabha elections. Ball is in her court right now and things will be favorable till 10 August 2014. During this period of time, she will earn more glory. In future, she seems to be fetching more name and fame with her active participation in social welfare.

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