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Mars will be in conjunction with Saturn on 31 July : Effect on all signs

Author: S N Rao | Last Updated: Wed 14 Jul 2010 6:55:08 PM

S N Rao

When Two planets are very near to each other when viewed from earth, it is known as conjunction. Such positions occupied by them play an important role in analyzing a chart. A conjunction involves a significant involvement of the energies of both planets on us. The effect on us can be either malefic or benefic depending upon the nature of the planet in our birth charts. A conjunction between Mars and Saturn occurs every 2 years. This is an important event in astrological parlance. This conjunction is universal to our planet and every individuals will feel a significant effect on them. The magnitude, intensity, and variance of these effects will differ relative to a nation or individual’s chart. Mars and Saturn are said to be in conjunction when they are in the same house, especially when they’re degreecally close to one another. They influence each other. Mars is a planet of energy, aggressiveness, anger, conflicts, dispute, and agitation. Whereas, Saturn is the planet of suffering, trouble, delays, obstacles and obstructions. Such influences of the planets are tempered by the sign in which they are located. These are further tempered by the sign in which they are situated.

Transit Mars will be in exact conjunction with Transit Saturn on July 31st. The conjunction will take place at 6° Virgo. The effect of this conjunction will be felt for about 2 weeks. Hence all those individuals who have their ascendant, moon sign, sun sign or any planet deposited in the sign Virgo will feel a significant effect of this conjunction. The conjunction takes place in Uttaraphalguni Nakshatra. The significant effect of this conjunction will be felt by all the natives who have their lagna / janma rashi in Purvaphalguni, Uttaraphalguni and Hasta Nakshatra.

Saturn tends to restrain the energy of Mars, endeavoring it to channel into a disciplined, purposeful work, especially along career and status lines. The Mars effect on Saturn is to help overcome unnecessary fear and inertia. Although these are two enemical planets to have in conjunction, in mature individuals they can work together to assist each individual, though they are likely to face difficulties. This is not very favorable for marital relations because it can produce mutual conflict, jealousy, and resentment, and sometimes law suits. In marriages, the aspect usually denotes an obligation or a tone of responsibility associated with the match.

When such a combination exists in a chart, it is generally considered destructive. When Transiting Mars is conjunct Saturn it causes a lot of difficulties. This is frequently a time of frustrations. You may find that you are constantly working hard without getting benefits. Murphy's law rings very true for you now. Frequently you are in a situation where you are angry, but have to suppress your anger because it would not be professional to show it. Suffering in silence is one of the key phrases for you.

This transit favors dealing with intricate or delicate work and attention to detail. Traditionally it is good for stone cutting and working with iron or steel. The nature of the work is that it progresses slowly and painstakingly. Do not try to rush through jobs at this time or it is likely that you will have to do it all over again. Use traditional ways of doing things as new ways will not meet with much success. But there are many positive effects also from this combination.

This combination enhances the ability to think, and brings logic, diplomacy and strategy which will help anybody to survive. The combination increases the person’s ability to take challenges and does not allow them to feel defeated. Therefore, it makes the person rise to the occasion and fight it out and not get a sense of defeat, even when defeated. The Spirit becomes optimistic. While it gives tremendous experience in dealing with life, by making the person go through all kinds of difficult experiences, these very experiences enable the person to rise above the circumstances and become successful. Things which are difficult to change can be changed. It is because of this planetary combination that people or countries can make radical changes which would otherwise take ages. These changes ultimately bring progress. These planets remove laziness and promote action. This planetary connection promotes hard work, which is always good. Mars, with Saturn, gives power to Saturn. The power of Mars is energy and action. It makes people awaken to the challenges of life and become action oriented. People who have a restricted boundary of thinking and who are afraid to go beyond these limitations created by themselves, when under pressure of the Mars Saturn conjunction, are forced to break the barriers and go beyond.

The following effects will be felt by –

Saturn becomes the lord of the 10th house hence either you will achieve some sort of distinction or will work hard in your area of career. Sometimes this is an indication that your career path is difficult to maintain. Saturn is also the lord of the 11th house hence you may feel lonely and isolated now. Others who you might depend on you seem to go away from you. Mars Transits through Your 6th House, this is the house of work and that is the best outlet for your energy. There are chances of stress aspects hence you should be careful of accidents while working, or arguments with co-workers. The stress aspects also increase the chance of arguments with anyone who is providing a service for you.

Saturn becomes the lord of the 9th house hence you may feel like you cannot communicate your beliefs, or that others may think you are heretical. You may lack faith or have difficulty maintaining hope about some issue. Saturn is also the lord of the 10th house hence either you will achieve some sort of distinction or will work hard in your area of career. Sometimes this is an indication that your career path is difficult to maintain. Mars Transits through your 5th House and makes it a time for some fun and games. If you are physically able to do so, this is a good period for sports activities. Yes, romance is also included here if you are so inclined. So are activities in any sort of creative endeavor, as well as activities with children. There are chances of stress aspects hence you should watch out for injuries in sports and arguments with your loved one, partners or children.

Saturn becomes the lord of the 8th house hence you may have an obligation to perform regarding taxes, a will or estate. Or you may suffer from a bout of procrastination and delaying your work.  Saturn is also the lord of the 9th house hence you may feel like you cannot communicate your beliefs, or that others may think you are heretical. You may lack faith or have difficulty maintaining hope about some issue. Mars transits through Your 4th House hence this is a good time to do work around the house. You may invest in your house, shift to a new residence. If you are married you may have to listen to your partner’s opinion and you may have to keep busy during this transit if you want to avoid arguments and domestic disputes.

Saturn becomes the lord of the 7th house hence you may have to be patient with regard to your partner. Communication may be lacking between yourself and your mate. Saturn is also the lord of the 8th house hence you may have an obligation to perform regarding taxes, a will or estate. Or you may suffer from a bout of procrastination and delaying your work.  Mars transits through your 3rd House hence this is a period of action with communications and short trips. A good time to get those letters, memos, and faxes out and to make those phone calls. Extra energy will be available also for running errands around the neighborhood. If you already have trouble with siblings or neighbors, be careful. This transit makes arguments more likely.

Saturn becomes the lord of the 6th house hence you may have to deal with frustrating work circumstances or unreasonable co-workers and superiors. You may have to make an important decision regarding work. Saturn is also the lord of the 7th house hence you may have to be patient with regard to your partner. Communication may be lacking between yourself and your mate. Mars transits through your 2nd House hence this is a time for action with money. Unfortunately, Mars doesn't care if the money is coming in or going out. Watch out for your expenses, particularly impulse buying. This is definitely not a good time to buy anything big. You will tend to overpay. But it is good if you have to put in some overtime and earn extra cash.

Saturn becomes the lord of the 5th house hence you may have trouble with children following your directions. You may have to make an important decision about finances. Romance isn't normally favored. Saturn is also the lord of the 6th house hence you may have to deal with frustrating work circumstances or unreasonable co-workers and superiors. You may have to make an important decision regarding work. Mars transits through your 1st House hence this is a time for going forward, charge. Whatever tasks you have to do, this is a good time to dive right in. Arguments, however, are more likely because you are pushier at this time. If your birth chart shows a temper, you have to be extra careful to avoid open battles at this time. Or rather, the people around you have to be careful.

Saturn becomes the lord of the 4th house hence you may have to make repairs in your home, or may have to move to another location. Sometimes this is an indication of eviction by landlord or by authorities who want to redesign a location that is downtrodden. Saturn is also the lord of the 5th house hence you may have trouble with children following your directions. You may have to make an important decision about finances. Romance isn't normally favored. Mars transits through your 12th House hence there will be loss of energy in whatever you like to touch and this is the house of "restrictions" and "psychological problems. These could come to the surface during this transit. The best way to handle going through your 12th house is to stay a little more in the background. Use this time to prepare for the new projects that you will be able to start when Mars enters your 1st house in a few weeks.

Saturn becomes the lord of the 3rd house hence you may have to rewrite articles that you have previously written. You may be tempted to start fresh on an intellectual issue. Relations with relatives may be tense. Saturn is also the lord of the 4th house hence you may have to make repairs in your home, or may have to move to another location. Mars transits throughyYour 11th House hence it is a good time to go out and make new friends. This is also a good time for taking action to fulfill your "hopes and wishes." But you need to be careful of arguments with friends.

Saturn becomes the lord of the 2nd house hence you may have to move on a financial issue or take action to prevent misfortune. You may have to make more repairs than usual. Saturn is also the lord of the 3rd house hence you may have to rewrite articles that you have previously written. You may be tempted to start fresh on an intellectual issue. Relations with relatives may be tense. Mars transits through your 10th House hence this gives you extra energy for your career. Be careful, though, about arguments with your boss or your parents, because taking orders makes you more irritated at this time. This is however a good time, generally, to begin business projects or make career moves.

Saturn is lord of your first house hence others may try to move you towards action on some matter. Others may criticise you for being too slow. Saturn is also the lord of the 2nd house hence you may have to move on a financial issue or take action to prevent misfortune. You may have to make more repairs than usual. Mars transits through your 9th house hence this is a good time to take a long trip or a course of higher education, since you will have the energy. However, Mars can also make us fearless, restless, and reckless, which can be a difficult combination. While on a long trip, you have to overcome an urge to take risks or have arguments. There is also a tendency to get into arguments over general principles. Be especially careful of getting into arguments over the internet.

Saturn is lord of your first house hence others may try to move you towards action on some matter. Others may criticise you for being too slow. Saturn is also the lord of the 12th house hence you may have to suffer in silence on some issue or have to deal with a phobia you have been trying to keep secret from others or even yourself. Mars transits through your 8th house and this house rules Sex and physical pleasures. Be extra careful about spending too much with credit cards. Mars is impulsive. Mars transiting through this house can also increase sexual desires.

Saturn is also the lord of the 12th house hence you may have to suffer in silence on some issue or have to deal with a phobia you have been trying to keep secret from others or even yourself. Saturn is also the lord of the 11th house hence you may feel lonely and isolated now. Others who you might depend on you seem to go away from you. Mars Transits Through Your 7th House hence this denotes "Activity" with partners. The 7th house covers all one-on-one relationships. That includes marriage and business partnerships. It also includes "open" enemies, the ones who are opposing you. If there are irritations in your relationships it will be cleared - one way or another. If you are trying to avoid arguments, then take extra care during this transit. On the positive side, it can be a good time for making contacts. The Mars effect can be quite social here.
To consult astrologer S N Rao,Please click here
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