Author: Acharya Raman | Last Updated: Sat 6 Sep 2014 1:21:19 PM
Rosy red Mars is now settled with possessive Scorpio. This beautiful conjunction has taken place on September 5 and they will stay united till October 18. Do you want to know what their union will do to your life? Read what Acharya Raman says.
There will be minor health issues, unwanted losses, and delays in your work. You will be using a lot of technical gadgets to convey yourself. You may face defamation. But, things will get better in midway. Your evil acts will remain hidden mostly.
Mild marital discord is there; control your anger and language. Backbone may give some pains. Good work progress will be there. Long travels are also likely. You may purchase new and costly things of luxury.
Litigation will be favorable; you will find a source to move ahead on it. Work front will be good. You may start new things related to work. You will want to take more rest in the last phase. There will be some delays, but you will get things done lately.
Personal life will be affected to an extent. Otherwise, there will be good things only happening for you. Work front will be good too. You may think to change the job. Business people will have good going largely.
There will be good and aggressive progress in works. You may have difference of opinion with family and friends. People looking for own shelter may finalize during this time.
Media people will come into light. There will be a duality constantly going in your mind related to various pending decisions. You may take some wrong decisions. Speculative trades will give short profits.
You will have better personal relations for a short period. You will have to keep a check over your speech. There may be some wound on lower abdomen or face may meet with some scratch.
You will have good time mostly. There will be gain of money. All you need is to remain calm and think wisely not emotionally. There will be short travels and good times with friends.
Romantic life will be disturbed and there will be speculative losses. There will be minor scuffles in the family between the siblings. At work also there will be problems.
This will be very favorable to you, as the 11th lord will be resting in 11th house creating a good Yoga (conjunction) for you. But, there will be increased expenses in the beginning and later there will be gains also. You will have better financial times during this duration.
There will be popularity for most of you. Work progress will be there. You will have new friends and favors from seniors. Some new streams of work may come in pipeline. But, matters of romance may come to a standstill.
There will be some long travels and health of elders in the family may suffer for a while. There will be expenses and gains in the mild form happening for you. Overall, it will not be harmful to you and in the end you will be on the profit side till October 18, 2014.
Hope you will be benefited through these predictions. Have a great life ahead!
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