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Mercury Transit In Aquarius (March 12, 2014)

Author: Acharya Raman | Last Updated: Sat 8 Mar 2014 10:54:04 AM

Mercury will be transiting in Aquarius on March 12, 2014. Like other transits, this transit will also bring some changes for all the signs. To know whether these changes are malefic or benefic for you, read our article on Mercury transit in Aquarius.

Mercury Transit In Aquarius

Planet Mercury will be transiting into Aquarius on March 12, 2014. Being a planet directly connected with wit, intellect, communications, and negotiations, Mercury affects all of us without making much noise. It will stay in Aquarius till April 3, 2014, and will move to Pisces afterwards.

Saturn is a slow and delaying planet, and shares a friendly relation with Mercury. Mercury is a very fast moving planet with no set ambitions as shown in Mercury dominated people. On a square they get confused literally on which way to proceed further. The first three days will be with Sun and last few days with Venus. So, this transit can be considered to be a friendly one.

I expect Mercury to bestow following effects on the natives


Positive results in legal issues are foreseen. People associated with media and similar jobs will make new friends. Also, they will get name and fame. During this time, gains through friends is also possible. Media persons who have applied for bail, etc. may get it. Long travels are also possible.


People from arts and entertainment will be benefited the most. There are positive signs for gain of money through own efforts. There are chances of looking for a new home. You may become dominant in your professional life.


Long travels and religious outgoings are there for you. Good time for engineers and software professionals. Love matters will be ending suddenly. There will be new happenings in work field. You will become more popular.


Repayment of debts is there some indirect gains are also possible. During this time, avoid travelling. You may have to go on a long journey. A change in professional role is also foreseen.


Your spouse may help you in earning profits. You may turn short tempered. Friends will be supportive. Trip to abroad travel is on the cards. New business deals may be concluded. You will get fame and respect.


Change of job is possible. There could be increments coming for you. Maternal uncle will meet you. You will clear interviews and exams easily. There will be favors from higher authorities.


Love is willing to sprout in your life. As a result, you will feel romantic and meet new people. Pending works will get accomplished. There will be inclination toward arts, music, and entertainment.


You may face some hurdles at work sphere. Recovery from illness is also there. Love life may not go smooth at this time. You need to be careful about hidden relations, if any.


Overall good time for you with monetary gains and new purchases. Kiths and kins will be helpful and there will be short journeys. Your performance will be rewarding for you. Personal life may have few glitches.

Capricorn There are gains for you from inheritance, secret plots and hidden sources. Some new purchases are also foreseen. You will be more inclined toward spirituality. Some oppositions in work sphere may come up, but it won’t disturb you.


New contacts and endeavors are possible. Love life may bring a new change in your life. Interest in recreation and entertainment may develop. You may go on outing and parties with friends. You may become short tempered.


You may move away from your home. Pressure at work front may rise. Your spouse may go to his/her family for a while. Business deals may get delayed.

This was all for this transit. Make sure to reap the best of these predictions.

By Acharya Raman

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