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Moon, Venus and Sun will make rare combination this Diwali

Author: Pratik Pandey | Last Updated: Mon 1 Nov 2010 4:17:59 PM


‘Astrologically’ Deepawali is going to be different this year. Venus, Moon and Sun will be in Swati nakshatra this Diwali and this is one of very rare combination. According to astrologers, this combination is going be happened only after 263 years. This rare conjunction is considered instrumental in economic growth.

Deepawali 2010 will be celebrated on 5th November. “Though Moon and Sun pass through Swati nakshatra regularly but this time Venus will also join them on 5thNovember.”, astrologer Ram Naresh Sharma told AstroCamp.

Venus, Moon and Sun will reach in Swati nakshatra at 12.54 P.M and will remain together in till 10.57 A.M of next morning.

According to Pt. Dayanand Mahajan, Swati nakshatra is governed by Vayu. Sun is debilitated (neecha) in this rare conjunction, while Venus is in its own sign. Moon is NeechaBhilashi.

Venus will rise one day before Diwali and with the same development Shubh Yoga will begin.

It is interesting to know that Venus, Moon and Sun conjunction in Swati nakshatra is going to happen after more than 250 years. Mars and Venus will be in its own sign on Diwali after four decades. Venus and Mars will make Dwi-Dwadasha yoga. This yoga will bring boom in immovable property. At the same time this yoga will begin some new chapter politically. The country will gain positively from this yoga.

Astrologer Pt Kapil Mishra is a firm believer that worship according to rashi will be very beneficial on that day. He suggests that Arians and Librans should wear white cloths on that day, while keeping their face at East direction during Pooja. Here is a list of cloth colour and direction for each sign -

Rashi                                   Colour of Cloth                         Direction
Aries-Libra                              White                                        East
Tauras-Scorpio                        Red                                          West
Gemini-Sagittarius                  Yellow                                        South
Capricorn-Cancer                     Blue                                           West
Leo-Aquarius                         Yellow                                        North 
Pisces-Virgo                              Red                                        South
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