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Mutual harmony in relationships

Author: S N Rao | Last Updated: Sun 12 Feb 2012 3:10:32 PM

love, marriage, relationship

By S N Rao

The horoscope of a man is nothing more than the plotting of the different planets in their respective positions at the time of the native's birth. The positions of the planets decide the fate of man; his life, his wealth, brothers and sisters, parents, progeny, ailments and enemies, love affairs, wife or husband, prosperity, income and practically every other thing that touches a man's interest can be predicted with fair accuracy.

When we match horoscopes for love and marriage, we find that in one case the configuration is excellent whereas in the second case, it is not so. Besides, what is true of the type of person who will come in life due to an indication in a horoscope and so one will link with such a person but in spite of this they may not have a harmonious relationship. This is because, in the second chart, the type of person indicated may not be the first person. This is the reason why so many marriages or love relationships break. There are other factors as well, which may cause breakups in the modern societies:

  • Economic independence of women which make the male ego suffer.
  • Both parties are so busy in their professional lives that the time for mutual relationship is curtailed.
  • Working women has always to meet the challenges of amorous disposition of their colleagues and it is easier to fall in love or feel affinity towards the one you spend more time with.
  • Two people have harmonious love life but a third party enters whose horoscope indicates better harmony with either party.
  • Due to day to day stress in life, the relationship between a couple becomes more like' a brother-sister relationships.

We should keep in mind that separations, breakups etc. depend upon the background, the culture and the society to which we belong.

A healthy couple with absolutely no trace of impurity of blood will be declared suitable partnership by a physician but not so by an astrologer who knows that Mars, the planet presiding over heat and blood, if afflicted, ill-placed and evilly aspected shall give rise to impurities of blood and eruptions and boils and wounds that may prove fatal. Saturn governs frigidity and the unimpaired influence of Venus endows a man with extra passion. Moon is a cold luminary and if it is weak and afflicted at the time of birth, would give the native little stamina.

The horoscope of the boy and girl should be cast either through a computer software or with the help of an Ephemeris. At this juncture we would also like to mention that many software program exists which give the results of comparison of charts within minutes but many of them has errors and relying on them could be disastrous for a layman.

Proper emphasis be given to Kuja Dosha but we should also take into account that it can get cancelled if in the other chart Saturn or Rahu or Ketu etc. are situated in similar positions. It should also be noted that the mangalik dosha or Kuja dosha becomes weaker after twenty-eight years and does not get increased as some people advocate. We should also know that some girls are born with certain configurations in their horoscopes viz., tithi, nakshatra, day of the week that with whoever she is married to, the health of the husband is affected.

There are also certain factors which indicate plurality of marriage in the case of men.

The practical aspect is that the girl should be younger (in age). The girl should not be from a higher caste. The girl should have a good family background. A girl should not be from a family where neurosis, lunacy, or chronic health problems exists. The same negative things should be avoided in a boy’s family. Both of them should be religious, kind hearted and generous. The boy should not be desirous of 'Sannyas'. He should be able to earn a decent livelihood. A girl should not have an extra part in her body or any type of deformity. A girl with a very high forehead should be avoided. A girl should not be very thin or very fat. A girl should be mentally and physically fit to bear children. A boy should not be feminine looking.

It is best to avoid a girl who is argumentative, quarrelsome or opinionated. A girl who is sweet submissive, and has respect for older people, should be preferred. The boy should be able to take initiative and also a family loving person. No sad happenings should have taken place prior to marriage in either family. A proper timing of marriage should be selected after examining both horoscopes. In case horoscopes are not available than a good 'Muhurta' should be selected from the 'names'.

The dasha / antardasha also plays an important role as they are very active for the natives in a relationships. Some of the important points to be noticed while determining compatibility are-

The transiting Moon should not be in the 8th or 4th houses from the radical Moon. In a girl's chart Jupiter should not be in transit in the 8th from the Janmarashi (Natal Moon). Jupiter or Moon should not be combust (Asta). When the 'dashanath' and 'antardashanath' are in mutual 6th, 8th position there is friction with wife/husband if the nativity shows such a tendency and planets whose dasha/antar are in progress have bearing on the 7th house.

If the 7th house lord is 'antardashanath' and is in 12th from 'dashanath' it would not do good; but if it be in 2nd, 11th, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 9th or 10th from dashanath it would be good. If the 7th house lord is the mahadashanath, antardasha of a planet 12th from it (i.e., posited in a sign just preceding the sign in which mahadashanath is posited) would not do good. When the dasha of the 7th house lord is in progress any planet's antardasha who is inimical to it will be inauspicious. Similar are the results when there is, antardasha of 7th house lord, in its enemy's mahadasha.

When one planet is in 7th from one another if there is antardasha of a malefic, there would be trouble pertaining to 7th house. If it be a benefic and strong, there would be happiness. If of the two—dashanath and antardashanath one is benefic and ther other is malefic, during the 1st half the effect of antardashanath would be felt and during the latter half that of the dashanath, or alternatively mixed effects would be felt or only of that planet which is overwhelmingly stronger. Venus if strong confers company of young damsels, marriage and other pleasures in its dasha and antardasha.

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