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Planetary combination for Medical profession

Author: Suchitra Das | Last Updated: Sat 10 Apr 2010 9:23:54 PM

Suchitra Das

The Sun and Venus are the significator planets for medicine and professions connected with medicine. Rahu is the planet connected with poison.  The poison is also known as venom in medical terminology.  The medicine has linkages with both chemistry and herbs. 

The chemical substances are usually poisonous in nature and thus, its nexus can be traced with Rahu.  Herbs are attributed with Moon, as Moon is a watery planet that provides motherly care to the herbs to grow and thrive.  Medical profession is a conventional profession, since human beings, and for that matter all other animals put into use medicines, in one or the other form, since their existence in the earth to get relief from the pain of ailments.  Ketu has some role here to play. 

Besides medicine, the other prominent parts of the medical profession are surgery, dentistry, etc. The Mars is the significator planet here. 

The placement and combination of various planets in different houses in the natal chart are indicative of whether an individual would go for medical profession or not.  We make both micro and macro analysis and delineate the result from D1 (the main natal chart), D24 (divisional chart for education) and D10 (the sub divisional chart for professional matter) vis-à-vis planetary period(s) and sub-period(s) together with strong and favourable planetary transit at the appropriate time. 

The career and jobs connected with medical profession are many and numerous now a day.  The top-most being the renowned physicians and surgeons in their respective filed of specializations, the scientists involved in research and developments to bring meaningful progress in the medical arena, bio-medical engineers involved in developing medical aids and instruments, nurses and so on. 

The Moon makes one nurse, midwife, and jobs in other supporting field in medical profession.  The medical representatives and chemists/pharmacists, the hospital owners, etc. all come under the same spectrum of medical profession.
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