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The Destiny’s Child: Sanjay Dutt

Author: Nitin Datta | Last Updated: Tue 26 Mar 2013 5:18:37 PM

sanjay dutt, sanjay dutt prediction, sanjay dutt astrology

By Nitin Datta


His Moon is exalted in the horoscope. No wonder he had full support from his mother even when he was under the influence of drug addiction. In his horoscope, Mars and Moon are friendly to each other. So, Moon’s aspect on first house (ruled by Mars) is very favorable.

Court Cases

His 10th house Lord is Sun. The tenth house has Leo sign. This Sun is inherently weak by way of debilitation in D-9/ Navamsha chart. This Sun is debilitated at a very acute 12 degrees and 14 minutes when the peak point of debilitation of Sun in Libra is 10 degrees.

His acts/Karma is very much likely to be unfavorable and undemanding as per his social status and stardom. Sun also represents people in authority/Government. It was always very likely that he would face wrath from the Government for his wrong-doings.

Not to forget that Sun also represents Father in a person’s horoscope. It is very much evident that Late Shri Sunil Dutt never ever supported his son for any of his anti social and anti law acts.

His 10th house is also under severe Paap Kartari Yoga as Rahu is affecting the 10th house from the 11th house and Sun is affecting the 10th house from 9th house. This is alone powerful to cause serious damage to the quality and level of acts/Karmas of a person. When combined with debilitation of Sun in Navamsha Chart it can cause serious havoc in anyone’s life.

Current Dasha & Transit of Planets

He is currently observing Jupiter-Rahu Dasha. This has been treated as an unpleasant Dasha period. As per current transit of planets, Saturn is retrograde till 08/07/13. Saturn is retrograde in his birth horoscope too. Rahu is also occupying 12th house for a long period.

Interestingly, his transiting Saturn and Rahu are posited in 12th house with birth Jupiter. The 12th house in Astrology signifies “imprisonment” besides other things. His birth Jupiter appears to be doubly affected by Saturn and Rahu. Uniquely, this horoscope has Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu as friends. So, this affliction can cause serious damage. The problem is retrogression of Saturn which concludes at 08/07/13.

Post Court Verdict

Astrologically, he’ll have a testing time till 08/07/13. There can be some relief to him around the next transit of Jupiter on 30/05/13. The next transit of Sun would experience Sun in exaltation (in Aries). In his horoscope it would be transiting in 6th house. Sun has been praised in 6th house on account of annihilation of enemies. This might prove to be a support to him but this Sun (Government/Law) would have a direct aspect of retrograde Saturn from 12th house, so it is not very condusive to deliver positive results.

It appears that Sanjay Dutt will have a tough time ahead !!

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