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Shani Amavasya in 2013

Author: - | Last Updated: Mon 28 Jan 2013 3:48:46 PM

Shani Amavasya 2013, 2013 Shani Amavasya, Saturn, Planet Saturn,

Shani Amavasya in 2013 : A path to reduce your sufferings

Shani Amavasya in 2013 will be celebrated on 9 February and 8 June. Amavasya is the day when the Moon is not visible in the sky and hence these days are believed to be very inauspicious. When such days coincide with Saturdays then that day is termed as Shani Amavasya. However, Shani Amavasya is quite similar to all other Amavasyas but there are some specific work that are advised to be done on this day. Worshipping Lord Shani on this particular day will bless a person with the benefic effects of planet Saturn. Therefore, Shani Amavasya is not less than a boon for the people who are affected by the afflicted Shani. It is advisable for such people to offer prayers to Lord Shani and also to perform the exact rituals to reduce the malefic effects of Saturn.

Shani Amavasya in 2013, as evident from the name itself, is the night without Moon and only is known to give unfavorable results of tasks executed that day. But, this fact doesn’t go completely with the Shani Amavasya. The day of Shani Amavasya can bring extraordinarily fruitful results if Lord Shani is worshipped on this day and if a Shraddha is performed. These are those two things that can be done easily on the day of shani Amavasya without giving it a second thought.

Essence and Importance of Shani Amavasya

It is extremely necessary to keep the Lord Shani pleased with your deeds because no one wants to be the object of Lord Shani’s anger. Lord Shani is not at all kind when it comes on teaching a lesson to its native. The period of Shani over any native is the most difficult phase to pass. Shani can take away all the belongings of a person in one go and can also bless a person with immense wealth and prosperity. It is all the matter of the position of Shani in one’s birth chart. The period of Shani lasts for complete seven and half year on a single person. Due to which the effects of Shani magnifies for that particular person. The time duration of seven and half years which is known as Shani Sade Sati will make a person suffer in all possible ways and disappointments from all walks of life will break the self confidence of the person.

Don’t be the one who silently bears all the pain and let the time rule over him or her. But, be the one who fights against destiny to acquire happiness. For the people who are being affected by the Sade Sati of Shani, Shani Amavasya is a golden opportunity to please Lord Shani and reduce the sufferings. It is not a child’s play to please Lord Shani but nothing is impossible. Pleasing Lord Shani will turn the stars in your favor and your sufferings will be converted to the blessings of Lord Shani.

Apart from the worship of Lord Shani on this very day, performing Shraddha is also considered as very auspicious. It is known by all Hindus that there are particular days on which Shraddha can be performed. Shani Amavasya is one such day. If by any chance the day of Shani Amavasya gets in between the duration of Shraddha then do not forget to make the best use of that day.

Rituals To Be Performed on Shani Amavasya

Shani Amavasya 2013 is the day that multiplies the value of prayers that are offered in the favor of Lord Shani on this day. Devotees start their day of Shani Amavasya with the visit to Lord Shani’s temple and there they offer mustard oil along with prayers to Lord Shani. It is believed by the religious people that Lord Shani likes mustard oil a lot. Therefore, all the devotees never forget to offer mustard oil. If it is not possible for a person to visit temple then that person donate some oil to the holy people that can easily be spotted on Shani Amavasya or any other Saturday. The most essential part of the rituals is to worship with utter dedication and faith. Worshipping Lord Shani has proved to be the ultimate cure. The life of all the people that worship Lord Shani on Shani Amavasya starts to get back on the track.

Shani Amavasya is one day that can give you solution to all your problems. The end of all your miseries lies in the customs performed on the day of Shani Amavasya. Don’t miss the chance of worshipping Lord Shani and getting blessed on the day of Shani Amavasya in 2013.

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