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Sun Is Transiting To Cancer - See Its Effects On You

Author: Acharya Raman | Last Updated: Mon 15 Jul 2013 6:23:09 PM

planet sun, sun transit to cancer

By Acharya Raman

Sun will transit in Cancer on 16TH July around 15:40 IST. Sun is the King of planets and denotes royalty. Leo and Cancer are also royal signs. The rising sign of Indian Independence is Taurus. Sun is in third house of India and the current Mahadasha is also of Sun till 10-9-2015 and the Antara of Mercury is running till 5-5-2014. Sun is the prime indicator of timing of events in a system of astrology called KP and its offshoots. In traditional astrology, planets give results mainly according to their rulership of houses, conjunctions, aspects on them and their aspects on others, prevailing dashas, and lastly transits. Although, dividing the world in 12 equal parts is not logical but still planets in their transit keep giving their effects on individuals. To some, it is negligible and to some it is umpteen. Sun remains in a star for about 13 days. Transit results are also computed by many by the house transited by the planet.

From 16th to early morning of 20th July, Sun will be in star of Jupiter and will remain in star of Saturn till early morning around 3am on 3rd August; it will change to star of Mercury and around 1 am of 17th August it will change to Magha in sign Leo, which is its own sign.

Let us see for different nativities how this transit of Sun will be with respect to position of Moon and house lordships:

  1. Aries: Cancer is 4th sign from natal moon and sun will be giving dishonor and troubles in family. It may increase BP and pulse rate and body temperature in general. Most of the July, Sun will be in inimical star and your works will require extra efforts to achieve trivial things. There could be some problems related to eyes also.
  2. Taurus: Cancer is in 3rd house from Taurus and Sun is supposed to be very good in 3rd house. So, rest assured that this month will bring good news to many and many will be winning in debates and questionnaires. There will be financial gains throughout and religious journey or long travels also will be undertaken by you. Kids will also be a source of happiness in the last phase of Sun.
  3. Gemini: Disputes in family members, hot talks, sudden obstacles and sickness to elderly in the family are shown. But, luck will be favoring you despite of all this and gradually things will improve in the last phase for good. Be cautious in your food habits otherwise teeth can also be a source of pain.
  4. Cancer: Those with movable jobs may get transferred, the mood will be irritating in general, and spouse will also be a source of pain and irritation. There will be a visit to a doctor for being cured. Eyesight will also not be good for some; and over all, a bad period for you.
  5. Leo: Quarrels and pecuniary loss is what sun is supposed to give in 12th from Moon.Till 3rd august you will be making lot of efforts in vain and losing temperament. Planet in 12th forms own sign increases problems to the native of that sign. So, you will be facing issues till August. You need to be careful from enemies. Wife may go for a short travels or there can be short but rough arguments. Acidity and gastric issues will also crop up.
  6. Virgo: Honor, good health, earnings, new friends; you seems to be cherishing a good time. Good relation with elders and happiness from kids is expected. You will feel like to eat more spicy food. Maternal relatives can visit your home and to some the visit will be to borrow money from you and to some vice versa.
  7. Libra: You will be gaining some name in your work field depending upon the nature of work. There will be success overall in your endeavors. But, you need to keep cool and don’t let your ego take you away. Keep mouth shut as much as you can as you already talk too much-mostly. Don’t hang in between right and wrong, just do what you feel is correct. Back-ache and head-ache may require medication higher than regular balms etc.
  8. Scorpio: Sun is not good in 9th from Moon. The ruler Mars is a good friend but planets act unemotionally at times just like humans. So, be ready for bad news, humiliation and temporary separation just till 3rd August and then things will improve for better. There will be good also to some and some will experience divine grace and help also. Be good to your father.
  9. Sagittarius: There will be quarrels and unpleasantness after 20th July and rest of the month will not be good overall. Be careful in what you say and don’t try to harm anyone as it may boomerang upon you. Take care of health and be ready for sudden unpleasantness.
  10. Capricorn: You will experience tensions and heat from others, partners or co-workers. Govt. employees will come to a quarrel with bosses and lower class employees. You will also be travelling to places just for spending money wastefully.
  11. Aquarius: Sun in 6th from Moon is considered to be good so definitely you can have some good news but Sun is the 7th Lord too which will be getting 12th to its own sign, so it may bring unhappiness at personal front, expenditure will rise and there will be some illness of stomach. In the last phase, Sun will be connected to 8th house so don’t expect many goodies in the ending time of this transit.
  12. Pisces: Sun will be in 5th house from Moon which is considered bad for children and all sort of things. Saturn too is not a benefic for this ascendant and so you should be getting better after 3rd August after a lot of expenditures and some wasteful travels and doings.

Everything depends upon how closely you are having Sun in the coming period in your natal chart. All planets are moving and exerting their influences; so only one planet cannot do or undo any good or bad. The effects of this transit will be modified negatively or positively as per the influence of other planets and mainly according to your natal chart.

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