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Who Will Be 13th President of India?

Author: VGR Pavan | Last Updated: Sat 16 Jun 2012 4:12:38 PM

president, india

By VGR Pavan

India is struggling hard to elect her 13th president (first citizen) for the past few months. Generally the ruling party has a strong say in the selection of the president and all knows that the electoral votes will mirror the same. Recent developments are telling another story. UPA decided Pranab Mukharjee to be their candidate but their allies Mulayam-Mamata are differing with it. They stood Abdul Kalam and Somnath Chatarjee to be their men. Other sources are pointing Sangma, Ansari, Meina Kumari as other alternatives. This is the background for my attempt to predict the final person who will be crowned as 13th president of India.

In astrology it is difficult to reach to a conclusion in this type of questions. One can say that I am daring to do this. But my opinion is that “surfer cannot get a pearl but a diver can”. Hence after praying to Ganeshji and Guruji KSK I will give my readings as follows:

In KP Horary we take a number between 1&249 to offer any prediction (for general questions). There is another concept called “Ruling Planet Theory” which says that the planets influencing a particular moment are the “real” pointers of the fructification of the query one posed in that particular moment. Lords of Asc Star, Asc, Moon star, Moon sign and day are termed as Ruling planets. Therefore I am using this technique to reach to the answer.

Horary says that the Asc denotes the person in question. Therefore I am randomly taking a horary number for each and every contestant as follows: (these numbers are computer generated therefore no bias in selection)

  • Pranab Mukharjee: 133 denote Venus-Rahu-Mercury as co-rulers.
  • Abdul Kalam: 18 denote Mars-Venus-Kethu as co-rulers.
  • Somnath Chatarjee: 65 denote Moon-Jupiter-Rahu as co-rulers.
  • Sangma: 122 denote Mercury-Mars-Rahu as co-rulers.
  • Ansari: 146 denote Mars-Jupiter-Moon as co-rulers.
  • Meira Kumari: 25 denote Venus-Sun-Saturn as co-rulers.

Ruling planets for the moment of judgment (16-06-2012@ 13:46 hrs near 16th degree north latitude) are as follows:

  • Asc Star lord: Mars
  • Asc lord: Mercury
  • Moon star lord: Venus
  • Moon Sign lord: Mars
  • Day lord: Saturn

Therefore Ruling planets are Mars-Mercury-Venus-Saturn. We have to include Rahu-Kethu also as they are connected to Mars-Venus respectively.

Rule is that we have to consider those person whose co-rulers of the Asc are strongly “connected” with the Ruling planets.

With a glance at the Ruling planets and the co-rulers of the Asc we can find Pranab-Kalam-Sangma are the possible alternatives because others have planet co-ruling the Asc which is not in Ruling Planets!

Among the selected three I drop Sangma for the reason that he has strong Retrograde Saturn very close to his Asc. We have left with Pranab and Kalam, a tough fight indeed. Both have Rahu-Kethu in their co-rulers list, among them Rahu is stronger than Mars a ruling planet appeared twice in the list. Further Pranab has Mercury as Asc sub lord whereas Kalam has Kethu who represents Venus a planet next to the strength of Mercury in Ruling Planets. (In KP sub lord is always the deciding factor)

Therefore it can be said that Mr.Pranab Mukharjee has a strong chance to become the 13th president of the largest democratic country in the world..India.

The above analysis is only an educated guess by me and nothing to do with my “personal opinion” and I know that readers will appreciate this. Good Luck to all.

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