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The Astrological Secret of “Kuja Dosha”

Author: VGR Pavan | Last Updated: Fri 6 Sep 2013 2:13:28 PM

Kuja Dosha

What is KUJA DOSHA or MANGLIK DOSHA? What are KUJA DOSHA remedies? How to check MANGLIK DOSHA in your Kundli? Know the answers of all these questions from astrologer VGR Pavan in this article.

Kuja Dosha or Manglik Dosha is an important consideration which we reckon while looking forward to get married. According to Vedic astrology Mars is a powerful planet which can have negative effect over marital life if he is placed in 2nd, 4th, 7th, 8th 12th houses from Ascendant, Moon and Venus. Well, every rule has its own exemptions or cancellations. My experience is that the mere placement of Mars in the so called places is not the decisive in concluding about Kuja Dosha. As per stellar astrology if Mars is connected with 6th, 8th and 12th houses through star and sub divisions will surely result in disturbances in marital life.

To know if you have Kuja Dosha / Manglik Dosha in your Kundli, please visit - Mangal Dosha Report.

Experience confirms this observation. I dont believe in blaming a single planet for the havocs in life ranging from breakups to divorce in marital life. Further Mars has another name Mangal which means auspicious. Therefore it is logical to verify whether Mars is connected with 6th, 8th and 12th houses through star and sub (especially sub), which alone is the reason for disturbances during its periods or planets deposited in its stars. Mars is aggressive, powerful and active but when he is afflicted with these traits then he will convert brutal, ferocious and suspicious. Hence there will be violence, arguments and torture in life if he is afflicted.

You may also like to read - Mangal Dosha: Analysis of its different aspects.

Turning to remedial measures, I believe that there will be relief only if the intensity of the negative influence is less. Otherwise we can find solace only if the Dosha is for a limited period only. Jap, Daan and Havan for Mars, worshiping Lord Karthikeya or Hanumanji are general remedies. Recitation of Arjuna Krita Durga Stuti, Santhoshi Maa Vudhyapan and Khadga Maala stotra of Lalitha Tripura Sundari are yielding brilliant results. There should be connection of 9th lord with Mars or Dasa lord to get favorable results. May God bless all! Good Luck.

For more remedies related to Kuja Dosha, please visit - Manglik Dosha Remedies.

To get your chart analysed comprehensively for Kuja Dosha and to know the precise remedies that can be performed in your case to ward it off, you may also like to visit our paid service - Mangal Dosha.

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